Hudson River Projects

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
A Day in the Life of the Hudson River 2012 8/15/12 5/15/13 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
A Day in the Life of the Hudson River 2014 8/1/14 12/31/14 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
A Day in the Life of the Hudson River 2015-2020 1/1/15 11/30/20 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
Analysis of Riverine Skin Temperature Response to Surface and Subsurface Processes 4/1/15 3/31/18 North America ; Hudson River, NY
Assessing impacts of recent storm activity on sediment transport and storage in the Hudson River 6/1/13 5/31/17 North America ; Hudson River, NY
Building Data for Climate Change: Filling Data Gaps and Characterizing Storm Surge Impacts in the Hudson River Valley and Long Island 6/15/15 12/31/18 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; Long Island ; New York
Day in the Life of the Hudson River 2013 8/26/13 4/30/14 North America ; Hudson River, NY
Developing Your Voice in Our Hudson River Story 2/1/19 1/31/21 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
Distribution, Persistence, and Resuspension of Sediment-Associated Pathogenic Bacteria in the Hudson River 7/1/11 3/15/14 North America ; Hudson River Estuary ; Hudson River, NY
Ecological Assessment of the Hudson River 9/23/14 3/15/17 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York City, NY ; New York
Hudson River Water Quality Monitoring Program 7/1/11 6/30/21 North America ; Hudson River Estuary ; Hudson River, NY
Maintenance of the Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (HRECOS) station at Piermont 1/1/15 12/31/20 North America ; United States ; Piermont, NY ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
The Hudson River Flood Hazard Decision Support System: Accurate Modeling of Flood Zones for Combined Sea Level, Rise, Storm Surge and Rain 1/15/13 12/31/18 North America ; United States ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Hudson River, NY
Distribution, Transport, and Fate of Microplastics and Associated Pollutants in the Lower Hudson River and Waterways around New York City 7/1/19 6/30/22 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York City, NY
EAGER: Spatio-temporal Variability of Microplastics in Ocean and River Cores using Fluorescence Microscopy 4/15/20 3/31/21 North America ; Hudson River ; Long Island Sound
Broadening Our Reach Through the Next Generation of Hudson River Educators 2/1/20 1/31/22 North America ; Hudson River
Hudson River Education: A Voice of Unity 12/1/21 11/30/23 North America ; New York ; Hudson River