Building Data for Climate Change: Filling Data Gaps and Characterizing Storm Surge Impacts in the Hudson River Valley and Long Island |
6/15/15 |
12/31/18 |
North America
; Hudson River, NY
; Long Island
; New York
ECOHAB: Linking biogeochemistry to harmful algal bloom nutritional physiology with gene expression analyses: A case study with Aureococcus anophagefferens |
1/1/13 |
8/31/14 |
North America
; Palisades, NY
; Woods Hole, MA
; Long Island Sound
; Stony Brook, NY
; New York
Ecological and Sociodemographic determinants and Impacts of Urbanization and Restoration on Intertwined Urban-Wetland-Estuarine Systems |
8/17/19 |
7/31/20 |
North America
; Long Island Sound
; Long Island
; New York
Hofstra University Center for Climate Study (HUCCS) |
1/14/11 |
8/31/14 |
North America
; Long Island
Long Island Sound Mapping - Phase 2 |
8/1/17 |
12/31/21 |
North America
; Long Island Sound
; New York
Long Island Sound Mapping - Pilot |
6/1/12 |
9/30/14 |
North America
; Long Island Sound
; New York
Resolving the effects of resource availability, predation and competition on brown tide dynamics using metatranscriptomics |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
Long Island Sound
; Palisades, NY
; Stony Brook, NY
EAGER: Spatio-temporal Variability of Microplastics in Ocean and River Cores using Fluorescence Microscopy |
4/15/20 |
3/31/21 |
North America
; Hudson River
; Long Island Sound
Assessing Pluvial-Coastal Flood Risk and Potential Climate Inequities in New York City |
9/1/23 |
8/31/25 |
North America
; Shinnecock Nation and Mastic Beach Long Island, NY
; Coastal Virginia