New York Projects

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Advanced Peak Demand Forecast and Battery Dispatch Algorithms to Integrate Storage-Based Demand Response with Building Automation Systems 6/15/15 8/31/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
A Day in the Life of the Hudson River 2012 8/15/12 5/15/13 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
A Day in the Life of the Hudson River 2014 8/1/14 12/31/14 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
A Day in the Life of the Hudson River 2015-2020 1/1/15 11/30/20 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
A Novel Approach to CO2 Brick Production Integrated with Simultaneous Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Carbon Intensive Industrial By-Products via 10KG/day Simulator Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
A Proposal to Demonstrate Air Capture Technology 2/1/15 1/31/17 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Paris ; France
Management of the U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP) associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) 12/1/14 2/28/25 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
A Standard Protocol for Assessing the Habitat Quality of Ecologically Enhanced Urban Shorelines 1/16/14 6/30/14 North America ; New York - New Jersey Harbor ; New York
A Standard Protocol for Assessing the Habitat Quality of Ecologically Enhanced Urban Shorelines 5/15/14 6/30/15 North America ; New York - New Jersey Harbor ; New York
A Symbiotic Agent-Based Network Platform Linking Expert Knowledge and Machine Learning for Systemic Risk Mitigation 12/1/18 2/28/22 Africa ; New York City, NY ; New York ; East Africa
Acquisition of a Fourier Transform Infrared Imaging Microscope at LDEO 3/15/18 2/28/19 North America ; Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) ; New York
Acquisition of a State-of-the-Art 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology System for the AGES Lab at Lamont-Doherty 8/1/16 7/31/18 Global ; New York City, NY
Adaptation Planning for Climate Change Impacts using Advanced Decision Support and Remote Sensing: Irrigated Agriculture in California’s Central Valley 4/1/12 6/1/14 Global ; New York
Air Capture of CO2: Technological and economic feasibility study of various end-to-end process alternatives 1/1/13 5/31/14 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
An Ecosystem approach to climate change education 10/1/11 12/31/14 Global ; New York ; Louisiana
Analyzing Sustainability Plans for PepsiCo International Operations 9/1/07 12/31/13 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Annual Global Happiness Council Policy Report 7/1/18 8/31/19 Global ; New York
Assessing the Impact of Clean Heat Policy Intervention in New York City 1/20/14 12/31/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Black Carbon Exposure, DNA Methylation, Airway Inflammation in Pediatric Asthma 11/1/11 10/31/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Black Carbon Exposure, DNA Methylation, Airway Inflammation in Pediatric Asthma 11/1/11 10/31/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
BOP-STEM-C Curriculm and Community Enterprise for New York Harbor Restoration in New York City 10/1/14 9/30/18 North America ; New York Harbor, New York
Breakthrough Electrolytes for Energy Storage (BEES) 3/1/19 2/28/22 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Bridging the last few kilometers: Accounting for Subgrid mixing and spatial gradients in global aerosol models 8/15/09 8/14/14 Global ; New York ; Illinois
Building Data for Climate Change: Filling Data Gaps and Characterizing Storm Surge Impacts in the Hudson River Valley and Long Island 6/15/15 12/31/18 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; Long Island ; New York
Building resilience to storm surges and sea level rise: A comparative study of coastal zones in New York City and Boston 8/1/12 7/31/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Boston, MA
Carbon Catalogue - product carbon footprints Global ; New York City, NY
CAREER: Characterizing the Uncertainty in Projections of Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Tropics Based on the Moist Static Energy Framework 9/1/10 8/31/17 Global ; Sahel ; New York City, NY ; New York
CAREER: Understanding Moisture Transport and Its Coupling to the Large-scale Energy and Momentum of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Circulation 9/1/13 8/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
CCEP II: Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Climate Change Education Partnership 9/15/12 8/31/18 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
CCEP-I: Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Climate Change Education Partnership 9/1/10 8/31/14 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan - Exposure Assessment (LDEO) 7/1/98 3/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan - Exposure Assessment (LDEO) 7/1/98 3/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan - Pilot Project 7/1/98 3/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan (CEHNM) 4/1/18 3/31/21 North America ; New York, NY
Center for Environmental Health in Northern Manhattan (CEHNM) 4/1/18 3/31/23 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Chemical and Biological Catalytic Enhancement of Weathering of Silicate Minerals as Novel Carbon Capture and Storage Technology 7/15/10 7/14/14 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
CityLinks Climate Adaptation Partnership Program 2/25/15 9/1/16 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Climate and chemistry changes from 1975 to 2000 as observed and modeled in the coupled chemistry-aerosol-climate GISS ModelE Earth System Model 5/14/09 6/30/15 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Climate Change Relevant Statistics and Guidelines to Estimate Data Uncertainty 12/31/18 12/31/19 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Climate Change Vulnerability Study 9/1/17 12/31/19 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Climate Decision Support in the Gulf States: Assessing the Impacts of Key Uncertainties in End-to-End Assessments 8/1/10 7/31/13 Global ; New York ; Florida ; Alabama
Climate information for Public Health ñ Book Project 9/1/16 7/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Climate Science Synthesis and Analysis to Support NPS Scenario Workshop 6/1/12 6/30/13 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Fort Collins, CO ; Colorado
CO2 Mineral Sequestration With Integrated Tailored Synthesis of Carbon-neutral Filler Materials 10/1/09 9/30/14 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Coastal SEES: Developing High Performance Green Infrastructure Systems to Sustain Coastal Cities 9/16/13 8/31/19 North America ; United States ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Bronx River Sewershed
Collaborative Research: Immersive audio-visualization of seismic wave fields in the Earth (EarthScope education and outreach) 7/1/12 6/30/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Collaborative Research: Uncertainty in Predictions of 21st Century Ocean Biogeochemical Change 12/1/17 3/31/20 Global ; Boulder, CO ; New York City, NY
Communicating about NOAA NOS Educational Resources and Programs through NESTA's Online and Conference Presentations, and Earth2Class Workshops 8/1/15 7/31/16 North America ; United States ; New York City, NY ; New York
Connecting the Polar Regions to local Climate Change 6/1/17 8/31/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN) 10/1/10 9/30/16 North America ; Northeast United States ; New York City, NY ; Philadelphia, PA ; Boston, MA
Create a Foursquare for Development 11/1/13 4/30/15 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY
Curriculum and Community Enterprise for Restoration of Keystone Species in New York Harbor 3/1/18 2/28/22 North America ; New York Harbor, New York
Detecting Water Quality Regime Shifts in Jamaica Bay 10/1/14 9/10/16 North America ; New York ; Jamaica Bay
Developing a Mechanistic Understanding of Variability in the Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rate owing to Interannual Climate Oscillations 6/1/17 5/31/20 Global ; Ann Arbor, MI ; New York City, NY
Developing Global Building Exposure for Disaster Forecasting, Mitigation and Response 9/1/12 12/31/13 Global ; Long Beach, CA ; New York ; London, UK
Developing Your Voice in Our Hudson River Story 2/1/19 1/31/21 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
Development of a business plan for a sustainable mobility initiative 1/1/12 12/31/12 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Development of Novel Charge Quantification Method and Charge Density Map in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds 10/1/10 9/30/15 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Development of Novel Liquid-like NanoparticleOrganic Hybrid Materials (NOHMs) with EncapsulatedDesign for Innovative Direct Air Capture 2/1/18 1/31/22 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
DIP: Interaction Research in Complex Informal Learning Environments (IRCILE) 1/1/12 12/31/15 North America ; New York
Direct Green Roof Storm Water Mitigation Measurement at Con Edison Green Roof Facility at 43-82 Vernon Boulevard, Queens, New York 1/1/10 12/31/11 North America ; Queens ; New York City, NY ; New York
Downstate Regional Energy Technology Accelerator (DRETA) 4/1/16 12/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
EAGER SitS: Signaling the Health Of Tree-pit Soil (SHOTS) 10/1/18 9/30/20 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Earth System Modeling, Comparative Planetary Climatologies and Remote Sensing 9/1/18 8/31/19 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Earth System Modeling, Comparative Planetary Climatologies and Remote Sensing 9/1/18 8/31/21 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Greenbelt, MD ; Maryland ; Boulder, CO ; Colorado
EarthCube RCN: C4P: Collaboration and cyberinfrastructure for Paleogeosciences 9/15/13 8/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
ECOHAB: Linking biogeochemistry to harmful algal bloom nutritional physiology with gene expression analyses: A case study with Aureococcus anophagefferens 1/1/13 8/31/14 North America ; Palisades, NY ; Woods Hole, MA ; Long Island Sound ; Stony Brook, NY ; New York
Ecological and Sociodemographic determinants and Impacts of Urbanization and Restoration on Intertwined Urban-Wetland-Estuarine Systems 8/17/19 7/31/20 North America ; Long Island Sound ; Long Island ; New York
Ecological Assessment of the Hudson River 9/23/14 3/15/17 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York City, NY ; New York
EdGCM: A Realistic Global Climate Modeling Experience for Educational Institutions (EdGCM) 10/1/10 9/30/15 Global ; New York ; Wisconsin
EI: Computational Thinking in Ecosystems: A-Program-to-Play Approach to Infusing Computational Thinking into Environmental Science Learning 9/15/15 8/31/18 North America ; New York
Emergency Response Group Assessment Pilot Project (OEPR 20/RD 1) 1/4/18 6/30/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Emissions modeling, Phase III 11/1/11 8/31/12 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Energy Programming NYC 3/24/10 3/23/13 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY
Environmental, Social, and Governance Analytics Scoring Application 8/15/13 12/31/14 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Evaluation of Public Health System Response to Hurricane Sandy in NYC Area 9/30/13 9/29/15 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY
Exploring STEM Impact and Engagement in Student-Led and Purpose-Driven Projects 9/1/18 6/30/21 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Facilitating Combined Heat and Power Projects in New York City 7/1/11 12/31/12 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Faint Young Sun Paradoxes and Habitable Worlds: Comparative Climatology of Early Earth and Mars 8/1/15 7/31/19 Global ; New York City, NY
Flood Impacts and Adaptation Strategies : Filling Data Gaps in Upstate and Western New York 12/20/16 7/31/20 North America ; Upstate New York ; Western New York
GED4GEM: A Global Exposure Database for the Global Earthquake Model 10/13/10 10/13/13 Global ; Pavia, Italy ; Ispra, Italy ; New York
Geo-Chemo-Mechanical Studies for Permanent CO2 Storage in Geologic Reservoirs 12/1/09 9/30/13 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Geoinformatics Facilities Support: Integrated Data Collections for the Earth & Ocean Sciences: The Marine Geoscience Data System and the Geoinformatics for Geochemistry Program 10/1/10 9/30/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
GeoMapApp Mini-lessons and the K-12 Classroom: Transformative Resources for the 21st Century Educator 9/15/10 8/31/13 North America ; New York
GHG of electric vehicles Global ; New York City, NY
GIS-based Graphical User Interface Tool for Analysis of Solar Thermal Desalination Systems and High Potential Implementation Regions 10/1/18 9/30/21 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Palisades, NY
Global and Regional Environmental Assessments 10/1/15 6/30/17 Global ; New York
Global Climate Change and Human Health Exploring Impacts in the Classroom using Innovative Technolog 11/1/10 4/18/14 Global ; New York
Global constraints on radiative properties of ice clouds using MODIS and POLDER measurements 3/25/11 3/24/14 Global ; New York City, NY
Global variation of the fundamental radiative properties of ice clouds 5/23/14 5/22/18 Global ; New York City, NY
GP-IMPACT: The Community College Compass - Mapping a Guided Pathway into Geosciences 8/1/19 7/31/22 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Health Vulnerability to Climate Variability in an Urban Setting: Temperature and Air Quality Impacts on Health in New York City 10/3/11 9/30/12 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Hospital Preparedness Program FY 13/BP 2 - Emergency Preparedness for Nursing Staff Phase III - Tool 10/1/13 6/30/14 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Hudson Valley Food Hub Initiative 3/1/12 9/30/13 North America ; Hudson Valley, NY ; New York
Hudson Valley Foodways Mapping 9/1/12 12/31/12 North America ; Hudson Valley, NY ; New York
Impact 2020- The Future of Cities Under Climate Change 8/1/17 12/31/18 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Impact of Health Department worker Safety Training on Health Impacts after Sandy 9/30/13 9/29/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Improving Regional Situational Awareness During Fuel Emergencies in the New York Tri-State Areas: Lessons from Superstorm Sandy 7/28/16 North America ; New York
Increasing the Global Climate Change Team's Technical Support Capacity to Global Climate Change, Adaptation, and Development Issues 8/6/11 8/5/14 Global ; Washington, DC ; New York City, NY ; New York ; United States
Increasing the Global Climate Change Teams Technical Support Capacity to Global Climate Change-Program 8/6/13 6/30/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Integration of AgMIP results for the development of agricultural response functions for PNNL Models 4/26/16 8/31/18 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Integration of AgMIP Results for the Development of Agricultural Response Functions for PNNL Models - Phase 3 10/18/18 12/31/19 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Integration of Horizontal Unstructured Mesh Generation Code (JIGSAW) into MPAS-O and MPAS-SI 10/11/18 7/31/21 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Los Alamos, NM
Interdisciplinary Research on Climate Science & the Impacts of Climate Change 10/1/10 8/31/14 Global ; New York
Interdisciplinary Training in Climate and Health 7/1/14 6/30/20 North America ; Columbia University ; New York City, NY ; New York
Interdisciplinary Training in Environmental Health 8/1/17 6/30/22 North America ; Columbia University ; New York City, NY ; New York
Intra and Inter Building control algorithms and smartgrid communication links to facilitate electricity storage in buildings 1/1/12 12/29/13 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Joint CCAFS-AGIMP Activities 4/1/14 3/31/16 Global ; New York City, NY ; West Africa
Kapuscinski Development Lecture in New York City 8/25/15 12/31/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Lamont Center for Biogeochemistry: Renovation of the Biology and Paleo Environment Laboratories 10/1/10 9/30/14 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Lamont Center for Biogeochemistry: Renovation of the Biology and Paleo Environment Laboratories 10/1/10 9/30/14 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Lamont, Doherty Core Repository: Curation, Service Professional Development and Outreach 3/15/13 11/30/16 North America ; New York
LDEO UAV Enhancements and the Development of Real-Time Mission Control for Falkor 2019 (FK191120) 4/1/19 6/30/20 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Learning through Ecology and Environmental Fields Studies (LEEFS) 6/1/08 11/30/14 Global ; New York City, NY
Linking NASA Models and Missions to Global Change 9/4/13 4/30/16 Global ; New York
Long Island Sound Mapping - Phase 2 8/1/17 12/31/21 North America ; Long Island Sound ; New York
Long Island Sound Mapping - Pilot 6/1/12 9/30/14 North America ; Long Island Sound ; New York
Long-Term Monitoring of Methane within New York State Phase II: Assessing Trends in Sources and Characterizing Hot Spots 11/1/19 11/30/21 North America ; New York ; New England
Maintenance of the Hudson River Environmental Conditions Observing System (HRECOS) station at Piermont 1/1/15 12/31/20 North America ; United States ; Piermont, NY ; Hudson River, NY ; New York
Mapping Water Infrastructure in the Hudson Valley 2/1/18 8/31/18 North America ; New York ; Hudson Valley, NY
Master's of Science in Carbon Management program (MCM) 5/1/11 6/30/20 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
MESA: The Metropolitan Evacuation Simulation Application 9/1/13 10/1/14 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY
Microbial and Chemical Enhancement of In-Situ Carbon Mineralization in Geologic Formations 1/1/10 12/31/13 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
MRI: Acquisition of an CRF Core Scanner for the Lamont-Doherty Core Respository 8/15/15 7/31/17 North America ; New York
Multi-level supermarket discounts of fruits and vegetables on intake and health 4/1/16 8/31/21 ; New York ; Icahn School of Medicine, Mount Sinai ; New York City, NY
Nanoscale Ionic Materials for CO2 Capture and Sequestration 6/1/08 5/31/13 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Ithaca, NY
Neighborhood Green Infrastructure: Planning for climate change adaptation in Harlem’s 125th Street corridor 1/1/08 12/31/10 North America ; Harlem ; New York City, NY ; New York
New Rochelle Urban Design Study 7/1/13 10/31/14 North America ; United States ; New York ; New Rochelle, NY
New Tools and Incentives for Carbon, Nitrogen, and Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Management in Corn Cropping Systems 1/1/11 3/31/17 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Fort Collins, CO ; Colorado ; Ithaca, NY
Next Generation Analytics: A roadmap for the global agriculture and climate modeling community 9/13/16 7/1/17 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
NSF INCLUDES Early Engagement in Research: key to long-term STEM retention 10/1/16 9/30/21 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Hudson Valley, NY
NYC DOE Hudson River STEM Teacher Professional Development Opportunities 10/1/17 5/30/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
NYC DOHMH Performance Measure Development 7/1/16 9/30/16 North America ; United States ; New York
NYC DOHMH Performance Measure Development - Phase II 9/15/16 6/30/17 North America ; United States ; New York City, NY ; New York
NYC Panel on Climate Change to Perform Regional Projections 1/15/18 9/30/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Open-Source Tropical Cyclone Risk Modeling for New York State 12/1/16 4/1/21 North America ; New York
People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization 10/1/12 1/4/14 Global ; Bangkok, Thailand ; Rio de Janiero, Brazil ; Sydney, Australia ; Johannesburg, South Africa ; Nairobi, Kenya ; India ; Beijing ; Shanghai, China ; Cincinnati, OH ; New York ; United States
Performance Measure and Dashboard Development for NYC Healthcare System (HPP 44) 9/15/17 6/30/18 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY
Piermont Pier Blockhouse 1/1/18 12/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Potential inhaled dose of particulates, biking and cardiovascular indicators 3/6/15 2/28/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Potential Inhaled Dose of Particulates, Biking and Cardiovascular Indicators 3/15/17 2/28/20 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Prometheus 1/1/16 12/31/19 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Proposed technical study of the effects of sea level rise on coastal flooding in New York City 5/1/13 6/30/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Quantifying and modeling the long-term performance of urban green roofs for stormwater in New York City 1/1/15 12/31/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Quantifying the Quantity and Quality of Runoff from Urban Green Roofs 1/1/10 12/31/13 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Quantifying the Value and Communicating the Protective Service of Living Shorelines using Flood Risk 12/1/13 8/31/16 North America ; New York
Question of Carbon Curriculum (QOC) and Online Teacher Education Course R&D and Implementation 11/1/09 5/1/14 North America ; New York
Rapid Assessment of Agriculture in a + 1.5 Scenario: An AgMIP Coordinated Global and Regional Assess 9/30/16 9/29/17 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
RCN-SEES: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage 9/1/12 8/31/16 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Reconstructions of a Snowball Earth: A Data/Model Perspective 6/10/14 6/9/18 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Greenbelt, MD ; Maryland
Reforming Undergraduate Education in Environmental Engineering: Urban Studios as Knowledge Delivery Systems and Vehicles for Service Learning 9/15/04 8/31/09 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Columbia University
Research and Evaluation of New York Presbyterian Hospital's system Integration Initiative 8/1/13 3/31/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Research in support of the USACE Institute for Water Resources training mission. 10/1/12 9/30/13 North America ; New York ; Alexandria, VA
Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) Team Support for CAMP2Ex 10/19/17 10/18/22 Asia ; New York City, NY ; Philippines
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Cutting-Edge Research though the Analysis of Global Data 4/1/18 3/31/21 North America ; Palisades, NY ; New York
ROSES10 A24-COUND is a project of using NASA A-Train satellite data for IPCC climate model evaluations; NASA A-Train satellite data for IPCC climate model 11/17/11 9/30/12 Global ; New York
School-based Ecology and Environmental Discoveries (SEEDS) 9/15/10 8/31/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Subgrant to support the Annual World Happiness Report 1/30/17 11/30/19 ; New York
SDSN-Earth Institute Ericsson collaboration on ICT for Post-2015 Sustainable Development 1/1/15 6/15/16 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY
Sea Ice Restoration Workshop 3/29/13 6/30/13 Arctic Ocean ; New York City, NY ; New York
Seaside Forests: Tree-Ring Sampling, coastal NY/NJ 1/1/19 North America ; Sandy Hook, NJ ; Fire Island, NY ; New York ; Montauk, NY
Secondary School Field Research Program 7/6/15 8/18/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Secondary School Field Research Program 7/1/16 6/30/23 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Secondary School Field research Program: Engaging NYC children in local field research 5/27/14 6/30/21 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field 7/1/16 9/1/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field 7/1/17 6/30/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Secondary School Field Research Program: Engaging NYC Students in Local Field Research 7/1/18 6/30/19 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Sensitivity of Climate Variability to Anthropogenic and Natural Drivers during the Last Millennium 8/1/10 7/31/14 Global ; New York
SLOAN-NYC School Safety Phase 1 5/1/15 10/31/15 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY
Smart building demand response with battery storage and curtailment 4/1/15 10/31/19 North America ; New York City, NY
Stage 2: Developing Global Building Exposure for Disaster Forecasting, Mitigation and Response 8/22/14 8/21/17 Global ; Long Beach, CA ; New York
STILES: Transforming STEM Learning Systematic Transformation for Inquiry Learning ENvironments (STILE) for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 10/1/12 9/30/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Stopping Trash Where it Starts 1/1/16 12/31/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York ; New York - New Jersey Harbor
Summer STEM Institute - Teaching Climate Change: Linking Local to Polar 7/25/18 8/31/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Superstorm Sandy Child and Family Health Study (SCAFH) 5/7/14 6/30/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York ; New Jersey
SuSCheM: Environmentally Sustainable Pathways forExtracting Valuable Elements from Electronic Wastes 9/1/17 8/31/19 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Sustainability Plans for PepsiCo International 1/1/08 12/31/13 Global ; New York City, NY
Sustainable Energy Conversion of Solid Wastes with Integrated In-Situ Carbon Sequestration 10/1/09 9/30/14 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Sustainable Engineering Graduate Scholars Program - Diversifying the Pipeline to the PhD 1/1/12 12/31/17 North America ; United States ; New York City, NY ; New York
Sustaining Health New York Dialogue 7/1/14 6/30/15 North America ; New York
Synergistic ice cloud observations from eMAS and RSP 12/22/14 12/21/18 Central America ; North America ; New York City, NY
Tagging CO2 to Enable Quantitative Inventories of Geological Carbon Storage 10/1/09 6/30/14 Global ; New York ; Iceland
Temperature Projections to Support Impact Analysis on Infrastructure and Demand 10/15/14 12/31/15 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Workshop 9/19/12 9/30/13 Global ; New York
The Hudson River Flood Hazard Decision Support System: Accurate Modeling of Flood Zones for Combined Sea Level, Rise, Storm Surge and Rain 1/15/13 12/31/18 North America ; United States ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Hudson River, NY
The Impact of Environmental Conditions on the Productivity of Agricultural Worker 1/15/11 12/31/12 North America ; New York ; Cambridge, MA ; Massachusetts
The Jamacia Bay Observing system: Process studies and Groundwork for Long-Term Ecosystem Research and Resilience 10/1/14 6/30/17 North America ; New York ; Jamaica Bay
The New York City Panel on Climate Change: Mapping and Measuring Risk 9/1/16 9/1/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Role of Social Features in Urban Neighborhoods in Resilience to Flooding 7/9/14 7/8/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Role of Water in Moisture Swing Absorption of CO2 9/1/12 5/31/15 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Seismology Student Workshop at Lamont 10/1/17 9/30/20 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Sustainable City 11/21/17 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Ultraclean Geochemistry Laboratory at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 2/1/10 9/30/12 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Ultraclean Geochemistry Laboratory at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory 2/1/10 12/31/11 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
The Virome of Manhattan: A Testbed for Radically Advancing Understanding and Forecast of Viral Respiratory Infections 1/1/16 12/31/19 North America ; Manhattan ; New York City, NY ; New York
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2018 1/1/18 4/30/18 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Three Cairns Climate Fellowship 2019 9/4/18 5/6/19 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Towards a Multi-Scale Theory on Coupled Human Mobility and Environmental Change 4/2/18 6/30/21 Central America ; North America ; Africa ; Florida ; New York City, NY ; New York ; Syria ; South Sudan ; Honduras ; Somalia ; Puerto Rico
Trace elements in autopsy tissues in WTC decedents 7/1/13 6/30/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
TREES - Technology, Research, and Ecology Exchange for Students 12/1/10 11/1/13 North America ; New York City, NY
UCCRN Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) (2018) 8/22/14 8/31/17 Global ; New York City, NY
UCCRN Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) Summary for City Leaders 4/21/15 4/20/16 Global ; New York City, NY
ULTRA-Ex: Exploring Linkages among Ecosystem Services, Public Health, and the Green Area Factor in New York City 8/1/10 1/31/14 North America ; Harlem ; New York City, NY ; New York
Understanding recent global hydroclimate change using multivariate detection & attribution techniques and GCM Experiments 8/1/15 7/31/19 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
UNDP Climate Change Modeling 2013 9/15/13 2/28/14 Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Updated Climate Scenarios for New York State 10/1/13 6/30/14 North America ; New York
Urban Agriculture Research in New York City: Green Infrastructure Planning and Metrics 7/1/12 3/31/14 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) 8/1/13 1/31/14 Global ; New York City, NY
Urban Climate Education Partnership 9/15/12 8/31/18 North America ; New York
Use of GRACE to estimate terrestrial carbon fluxes 9/1/10 8/31/13 South America ; Amazonia ; Brazil ; New York
Visualizing Social Media: New Tools for Research and Practice 9/19/14 9/18/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Women in Energy Program Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Workshop Monsoons & ITCZ: the annual cycle in the Holocene and the future 5/1/15 4/30/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Climate resilience in Northern Manhattan and the South Bronx: Collaborative, community-led policy research about heat vulnerability in New York City 1/1/20 12/31/21 North America ; New York, NY ; Bronx, NY
Tornado outbreak variability & extreme U.S. tornado outbreaks 1/1/15 1/1/17 North America ; New York City, NY
Seasonality of fluctuation scaling of all-India rainfall over 115 years 1/1/16 India ; New York City, NY
Tornados and hail: daily fluctuations in spatial extent 1/1/17 North America ; New York City, NY ; Norman, OK
Asymptotic exponentiality of certain stable laws 1/1/17 Global ; New York City, NY
Taylor's law fluctuation scaling of semivariances and higher moments 1/1/18 Global ; New York City, NY ; Hong Kong, China ; Seattle, WA
Asymptotic Markov's inequality when the unknown mean may be infinite 1/1/19 Global ; New York City, NY
Long-range dependence in fluctuations of human death rates 1/1/19 Global ; New York City, NY ; Cergy-Pontoise, France
Taylor’s law, via ratios, for some distributions with infinite mean 1/1/14 1/1/17 Global ; New York City, NY
Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries 1/1/15 1/1/19 Global ; New York City, NY ; Shanghai, PRC
Cities and climate change 1/1/17 1/1/19 Global ; New York City, NY
Improving efficiency of fixed-precision sampling of a large African fishery using Taylor's law 1/1/13 1/1/18 Africa ; New York City, NY ; Bergen, Norway
Projecting age-specific international migration flows using cohort-component methods 1/1/17 Global ; New York City, NY
CRISP Type 1: Protecting Coastal Infrastructure in a Changing Climate by Integrating Optimization Modeling and Stakeholder Observations 9/1/17 8/31/20 North America ; New York ; New York City, NY
Distribution, Transport, and Fate of Microplastics and Associated Pollutants in the Lower Hudson River and Waterways around New York City 7/1/19 6/30/22 North America ; Hudson River, NY ; New York City, NY
Novel extracellular vesicle and molecular biomarkers of environmental exposure and disease in ALS progression 9/30/19 9/29/21 North America ; New York City, NY
New York Sustainable Water Fellowship with the Water Centre at Columbia University 6/10/19 9/30/20 North America ; New York City, NY
Enabling Urban Residents to Adapt to Coastal Flooding: Evidence from New York City Neighborhoods 9/1/19 8/31/21 North America ; New York City, NY
Climate Information Needs Assessment 1/1/20 5/31/20 North America ; New York State
New York State and New York City Climate Law Trackers North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City
Eco-social interactions influencing human exposure to ticks and the Lyme disease agent in anthropogenic landscapes 9/1/19 2/28/23 North America ; United States ; New York ; New York City, NY ; Staten Island, NY
Quantifying the Impact of Biogenic and Anthropogenic Fluxes on the Atmospheric Composition of the New York City Metro Area 9/1/20 8/31/22 North America ; New York City
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Rapid Production of Geospatial Network Inputs for Spatially Explicit Epidemiologic Modeling of COVID-19 in the USA 6/1/20 5/31/21 North America ; United States ; New York ; Los Angeles, CA
Black Carbon Exposure, DNA Methylation, Airway Inflammation in Pediatric Asthma 11/1/11 10/31/16 North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
PPFA COVID-19 Preliminary AfterAction Analysis 7/1/20 6/30/22 North America ; New York
Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamic Response to Inland Expansion of a Hydrologically-Active Ice-Sheet Bed 10/1/20 9/30/23 North America ; Greenland Ice Sheet ; New York City, NY
REU Site: Beyond Basic Science – Connecting Climate to Communities 4/1/21 3/31/24 North America ; New York, NY
RSFO - CCRUN - Resilience of small and medium businesses in coastal communities in the New York - New Jersey metropolitan region 4/12/21 8/31/21 North America ; New York, NY: New Jersey
Data Driven Disaster Planning in New York, Tokyo, and Taipei 4/20/21 3/1/22 Global ; North America ; Asia ; New York ; Tokyo, Japan ; Taipei, Taiwan
Addressing the Urban Heat Island through an Equity Lens: A Citizen Science Project 1/1/21 12/23/22 North America ; New York, NY
Hudson River Education: A Voice of Unity 12/1/21 11/30/23 North America ; New York ; Hudson River
Development of Cloud Computing and Machine Learning Tools to Identify Combined Heat and Flood Exposure Worldwide 3/15/22 3/14/23 North America ; New York
Resilient Coastal Communities Project 11/1/21 North America ; New York
Implementing Novel Solutions for Promoting Cultural Change In Geoscience Research & Education (INSPIRE) 11/1/22 10/31/27 Global ; North America ; New York City
Collaborative Research: NSFGEO-NERC: Hurricane Risk Amplification and Changing North Atlantic Natural Disasters 3/1/23 2/28/26 North America ; Europe ; Reading, UK ; New York, United States
NYC Town+Gown: Climate Vulnerability, Impact, and Adaptation Analysis 8/1/22 1/31/24 North America ; New York City
A Day in the Life of the Hudson and Harbor 2021-2023 (extended 2024-2025) 6/1/21 12/31/25 North America ; New York Harbor ; Hudson Valley ; New York ; United States