Assessing Water-Related Risks in the Mining Sector |
; Chile
; China
; Peru
; Philippines
; South Africa
; Australia
; United States
; Canada
Can seasonal Climate Forecasts Improve Food Security in Indian Ocean Rim Countries in a Variable and Changing Climate |
10/1/12 |
6/15/13 |
; Australia
; India
; Sri Lanka
Character, Timing and Origins of the Late Neoproterozoic Shuram-Wonoka Carbon Isotope Excursion and Associated Paleocanyons in South Australia |
; Australia
Combining Data and Models of the Centralian Superbasin to Investigate Cratonic Basin Formation |
9/1/18 |
8/31/19 |
; Centralian Superbasin
; Australia
Downstream Beneficiation of Extractive Resources |
; Asia
; Africa
; Australia
; Japan
; Oman
; South Africa
; Ukraine
; Netherlands
; Nigeria
; Singapore
; Botswana
; Indonesia
Geochemical Calibration of Modern Isopora and Acropora Corals from the Great Barrier Reef and Applications |
5/1/14 |
4/30/17 |
; Great Barrier Reef, Australia
; Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Mining & Water Risk: Diagnosis, Benchmarking and Quantitative Analysis of Financial Impacts |
7/1/14 |
12/31/17 |
; United States
; Chile
; Canada
; Australia
; Peru
People Building Better Cities: Participation and Inclusive Urbanization |
10/1/12 |
1/4/14 |
; Bangkok, Thailand
; Rio de Janiero, Brazil
; Sydney, Australia
; Johannesburg, South Africa
; Nairobi, Kenya
; India
; Beijing
; Shanghai, China
; Cincinnati, OH
; New York
; United States
They Might Be Giants: Emerging LNG Importers Are Reshaping the Waterborne Gas Market |
11/16/17 |
; Asia
; Europe
; United States
; Japan
; Australia
The Astromaterials Data System: Enabling FAIR Astromaterials Samples Data through Trusted Archiving Services and Broad Community Engagement |
10/1/23 |
9/30/28 |
; Australia
; Belgium
; Czech Republic
; France
; Germany
; Spain
; Space
Harnessing Microbial Batteries for Efficient, Sustainable Water Treatment and Recycling in Rural Areas |
10/1/21 |
9/30/25 |
; Australia
; Australia
; United Kingdom