A 175m Long Sediment Core from Lake Traimeno |
5/1/13 |
1/1/16 |
A global view of climate change during and since the last ice age: Insights from the record of Earth |
8/1/13 |
7/31/15 |
Deep Sea-Water Sampler for Improved Co2 Measurements |
11/1/14 |
10/30/18 |
Deglacial Lake-level History of the Mono Basin, California |
9/1/12 |
8/31/13 |
North America
Efficient measurements of the 170-excess of dissolved O2 in the high seas |
7/1/13 |
6/30/14 |
Global Paleohydrology |
1/1/12 |
6/30/13 |
Holocene Snowline Changes in the Bhutanese Himalaya |
6/1/12 |
5/31/13 |
In Situ 10Be Production-Rate Calibration for North America from the Early Holocene Marquette Moraine, Upper Peninsula of Michigan |
6/1/12 |
5/31/15 |
North America
Investigating the Role of Radiative Forcing in Northern Hemisphere Glacial Cycles on the Basis of Mo |
4/1/14 |
6/1/15 |
Paleo-Climate and -Hydrology Change in Central China |
8/1/11 |
7/31/15 |
Populus Euphratica and Tamarix Ramosissima o13C Tree-ring Chronologies from the Taklamakan Desert, Xingjiang China |
6/1/13 |
5/15/15 |
Quantifying Greenland Ice Sheet Dimensions During Past Warm Periods: A Novel Approach Using Cosmogenic Isotopes |
9/1/12 |
8/31/15 |
Radiocarbon as a Reactive Tracer for Tracking Geologic CO2 Storage at the CarbFix Pilot Injection Site, Iceland |
9/1/12 |
8/31/15 |
Reconstructing Ice Ages in New Zealand, N. America and Greenland Using Cosmogenic Be-10 Dating |
11/1/06 |
10/31/17 |
Re-evaluation of the Late Glacial and the Little Ice Age Problem in the Alps by High-precision Surface Exposure Dating |
6/1/12 |
5/31/17 |
Rock Varnish Record of a Younger Dryas-Age Wet Event in Northern Tian Shan, Western China |
3/1/11 |
3/1/14 |
Rock varnish record of Holocene millennial-scale wetness variations in the Lake Turkana basin of Kenya |
1/1/15 |
12/31/17 |
Spatial-latitudinal shifts of the East Asian Summer Monsoon recorded by paleo-shorelines and dDleafwax from Dali Nou-er Lake, Inner Mongolia, China |
7/1/14 |
12/30/16 |
Testing Milankovitch - Glacier Fluctuations during the LGM and the Mystery Interval in the Western US |
8/16/09 |
8/15/17 |
North America
Testing the potential for U-Th Dating of Clean calcite tufa the Last High-stands of Owens Lake (Searles and other downstream basins), Lake Lahontan and Lake Chewaucan |
1/1/14 |
6/30/16 |
North America
The Role of Ice Sheet Feedbacks in Northern Hemisphere Ice Ages |
7/1/13 |
7/1/15 |
Towards an improved age resolution of lake records Protactinum-231 dating of the Lisan Formation, the Dead Sea Basin |
8/1/10 |
7/31/12 |
Administrative Support Costs |
2/1/19 |
1/31/21 |