Projects sponsored by Consortium for Ocean Leadership

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
Absolute Paleointensity from the Cretaceous Long Normal 10/10/10 10/12/13 Global
Acoustic Logs Reprocessing and Petrophysical Characterization of Shelf Sands, Canterbury Basin, IODP Expedition 317 11/4/10 11/3/12 Oceania
Informational Database and Schlanger Felllowship Support for the U.S. Science Support Program of IODP 8/1/16 1/31/17 Global
Consortium for Ocean Leadership IODP-USIO Support of 2014 Summer Intern at LDEO 5/29/14 12/31/14
Core-log-seismic Integration at IODP Sites U1394, U1395, U1397, and U1399: An Approach to Velocity Modeling based on Synthetic Seismograms 2/3/12 2/16/15 Atlantic Ocean
Correlation of borehole and seismic data in the Gulf of Alaska at Sites U1417, U1418, U1420 and U142 9/29/13 1/31/15 Pacific Ocean
Determining the Frictional Temperature Rise During the 2011 Tohoku EarthQuake 6/1/13 5/31/14 Pacific Ocean
Enhancing Understanding of Ocean Drilling Discoveries through the Synergy of Earth2Class and Deep Earth Academy 9/1/12 10/31/13 Global
Forward and Inverse Modeling the Neogene Evolution of the NJ Continental Margin Based on Results from IODP EXP 313 4/23/10 10/3/12 Atlantic Ocean
Heat flow and synthetic seismograms from downhole measurements in the South China Sea, IODP Expedition 1/28/14 1/31/16 Asia
Late Miocene Cycle Stratigraphy from Downhole Logs from IODP Sites U1359 and U 1361, Wilkes Land 1/4/10 1/7/13 Antarctica
Lithological Characterization and Structural Analyses of Sediments Lava Flows from Shatsky Rise Using Downhole Measurements 4/29/10 9/3/12 Pacific Ocean
Lithostratigraphic Characterization of the Sediment Section from IODP Expedition 324, Shatsky Rise Using Downhole Logging Data 11/4/09 9/3/12 Asia
Ocean Sciences for Rural Communities via Informal Science Education: Pop-Up/Drill Down Science 7/1/16 8/31/21 North America
Permeability and temperature in ODP/IODP Hole 1256 6/28/11 4/1/14 Pacific Ocean
Present horizontal stress orientation in the Costa Rica subduction margin from borehole breakout analysis 10/23/12 1/30/16 Central America
Quantifying borehole shapes in IODP Holes U1378A and U1379A from Density and Ultrasonic LWD Measurements 5/14/11 2/12/14 Central America
Seismic/Well Integration Bering Sea, IODP Expedition 323 9/4/09 7/3/12 Pacific Ocean
Shear wave anisotropy in oceanic crust formed by superfast spreading PEA EXP. 335 6/28/11 4/1/14 Pacific Ocean
Support of two IODP Summer Interns 5/29/13 8/7/13
Synthetic Seismographs for Lithostratigraphy-Seismic Integration in the Golf of Cadiz, IODP Expedition 339 10/30/11 11/16/14 Atlantic Ocean
USSSP-Participation in IODP Expedition 322 Nantroseize Stage 2 Subduction Input on the D/V Chikyu. Correlation Between Core, Log, and Seismic Data in Lower Shikoku Basin Sediments at IODP Site C0011 9/1/09 11/9/12 Pacific Ocean
Wireline Log-Based Stratigraphy along a Shelf-Slope Transect in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand 1/4/10 11/3/12 Pacific Ocean