Projects sponsored by Gates (Bill and Melinda) Foundation

By Project Name By Startdate By Enddate By Location
A Globally Integrated African Soil Information Service 11/1/08 3/31/13 Africa
African Soil Information Service (AFSIS) Phase II 11/25/14 10/31/17 Africa
Create a Foursquare for Development 11/1/13 4/30/15 North America
Establishment of the POPGRID Data Collaborative 9/1/17 6/30/20 Global
General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development 11/2/16 10/31/17
GRID Mapping Portfolio Support 9/1/17 9/30/23 Africa
International Advisory Panel Meetings on the National Rural Health Mission 10/20/10 1/31/15 Asia
Next Generation Analytics: A roadmap for the global agriculture and climate modeling community 9/13/16 7/1/17 Global
Next Generation Models Groundwork 12/19/13 2/28/15 Global
Planning Grant for the Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Phase II 5/30/13 1/15/15 Africa
Renewal: General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development 1/29/18 1/31/21
Renewal: General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development 1/29/18 12/31/21
Science-Based Policy Innovation and Implementation for the MDGs 10/1/06 12/31/11 Africa
The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in Sub-Saharan African Countries and Beyond technologies and tools 11/1/11 12/31/16 Africa
The Women Peacebuilders Fellowship 8/28/18 8/31/20
General Operating Support for the Center for Sustainable Development 2/1/21 12/31/23 Global
COVID-19: GRID3 Microplanning Support Country Expansion 11/16/21 12/31/22 Global
CIESIN Grant to Support the GRID Mapping Portfolio 9/1/17 9/30/23 North America