Advanced Peak Demand Forecast and Battery Dispatch Algorithms to Integrate Storage-Based Demand Response with Building Automation Systems |
6/15/15 |
8/31/17 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Establishing Community Standards for Underwater Video Acquisition, Tagging, Archiving and Access |
7/15/15 |
6/30/18 |
North America
Exploring the absolute pressure gauge data from the Cascadia Initiative OBS deployment for transient changes in seafloor elevation |
4/15/15 |
3/31/17 |
North America
Geochemical Analysis of Ancient Salt Deposits from the Dead Sea and its Climate and Hydrology During Warmer Periods in the Past 200,000 Years |
9/1/16 |
8/31/18 |
2014 Ship Operations |
1/1/12 |
12/31/18 |
2014 Technical Services |
1/1/12 |
3/31/18 |
2017 Oceanographic Instrumentation |
5/1/17 |
1/31/19 |
2017-2020 Provision of Log Data Reduction and Database Services for Scientific Ocean Drilling |
7/1/17 |
9/30/20 |
2018 Ship Operations |
7/1/18 |
6/30/23 |
2018-2023 Ship Operations -R/V Marcus G. Langseth |
7/1/18 |
6/30/23 |
A Combined Experimental and Theoretical investigation of reactive flow in brittle media with applications to solid Earth geodynamics |
8/1/15 |
7/31/19 |
A Critical Test of the Nd Paleocirculation Proxy |
9/1/13 |
8/31/15 |
A global survey of long-term organic carbon decomposition in marine sediments: constraints to methanogenesis, gas hydrate formation, and C cycle budget |
7/15/13 |
6/30/16 |
A global survey of marine magnetic anomalies to constrain the Late Cretaceous- Eocene time scale |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
A model-based investigation of climate variability and climate change: Focus on the West African monsoon system |
8/1/10 |
7/31/13 |
A M-Sequence Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale that Minimizes Global Spreading Rate Variations and Incorporates Cyclostratigraphic Information |
7/1/09 |
6/30/13 |
A preliminary assessment of the influence of ice cove on microbial carbon and energy acquisition during the Antarctic Winter-spring Seasonal Transition |
8/1/16 |
7/31/18 |
Management of the U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP) associated with the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) |
12/1/14 |
2/28/25 |
A Southern Hemispheric Perspective on Holocene Climate Variability Based on Mountain Glacial Chronologies |
8/1/18 |
7/31/21 |
A Study of Atmospheric Dust in the WAIS Divide Ice Core Based on Sr-Nd-Pb-He Isotopes |
6/8/11 |
7/31/17 |
A Synthesis of Indian and U.S. Geophysical Data to Investigate the structure and Tectonics of the Andaman Sea |
9/15/09 |
8/31/12 |
Indian Ocean
Acquisition of a Fourier Transform Infrared Imaging Microscope at LDEO |
3/15/18 |
2/28/19 |
North America
Acquisition of a State-of-the-Art 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology System for the AGES Lab at Lamont-Doherty |
8/1/16 |
7/31/18 |
Active lava lakes as a window into magma and volcano dynamics |
3/1/14 |
2/28/18 |
ADVANCE at the Earth Institute |
1/1/04 |
12/31/10 |
North America
Advanced Imaging Techniques Combined with In Situ Analyses used to Assess Diagenesis in Benthic Foraminifera |
5/1/17 |
4/30/19 |
Air-Flow Mechanisms During Insitu Air-Sparging Operations |
1/1/04 |
12/31/08 |
North America
Antarctic Cryospheric Change: Mechanisms and Feedback on Climate |
9/15/18 |
8/31/21 |
Assessing the Fidelity of Foraminiferal Mg/Ca- d18O to Estimate Seawater d18Or: A Multispecies Calibration-Validation Study |
3/1/08 |
2/29/12 |
Atlantic Ocean
Assessing Transport Pathways into the Arctic and Their Efficiencies |
4/15/19 |
3/31/23 |
Asthenospheric Melting and Melt-induced Evolution of the Lithosphere Beneath the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range from a Seismic Characterization of Mantle Layering |
5/15/19 |
4/30/20 |
North America
Benchmarking Spatial Patterns of Glacier Change |
6/1/19 |
5/31/22 |
Boundary Sources and Sink of 230Th, 232Th, and 231Pa n the NW Pacific |
9/1/10 |
8/31/13 |
Pacific Ocean
BREAD: Assessing, understanding and targeting nonresponsive soils for improved crop production in small holder farms in sub-Saharan Africa |
9/1/12 |
6/30/16 |
Building Information, Inhabitant, Interaction and Intelligent Integrated Modeling (BI5M) |
10/1/18 |
9/30/21 |
North America
Cape Adare Long Term Moorings (CALM): Analysis Phase |
6/1/12 |
5/31/15 |
CAREER: Characterizing the Uncertainty in Projections of Climate Change in the Semi-Arid Tropics Based on the Moist Static Energy Framework |
9/1/10 |
8/31/17 |
CAREER: Evolution of Ocean Mesoscale Turbulence in a Changing Climate |
2/15/16 |
1/31/21 |
CAREER: Investigating the Impact of Temporal and Spatial Variations on Lava Emplacement Through Numerical and Physical Models |
4/1/17 |
3/31/22 |
CAREER: Understanding Moisture Transport and Its Coupling to the Large-scale Energy and Momentum of the Northern Hemisphere Summer Circulation |
9/1/13 |
8/31/18 |
North America
CAREER: Very Broadband Rheology and the Internal Dynamics of Plate Boundaries on Earth |
10/1/11 |
9/30/16 |
CCEP II: Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Climate Change Education Partnership |
9/15/12 |
8/31/18 |
CCEP-I: Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Climate Change Education Partnership |
9/1/10 |
8/31/14 |
Center for the Study of Individual and Group Decision Making Under Climate Uncertainty |
9/15/04 |
8/31/12 |
Cl Isotope Systematics of the Neogene Izu Bonin Arc Volcanic Rocks |
3/1/06 |
6/1/08 |
Pacific Ocean
CMG Research: Reconstructing Climate from Tree Ring Data |
9/15/09 |
8/31/13 |
CNH: Competing demands and future vulnerability of groundwater: Drinking water quality and food security in Arsenic-Impacted South and Southeast Asia |
6/1/14 |
8/31/19 |
CNH: Fires in Western Amazonia: Understanding and Modeling the Roles of Climatic, Social, Demographic, and Land-Use Change |
8/1/09 |
6/30/14 |
South America
CO2 Mineral Sequestration With Integrated Tailored Synthesis of Carbon-neutral Filler Materials |
10/1/09 |
9/30/14 |
Coastal SEES: Developing High Performance Green Infrastructure Systems to Sustain Coastal Cities |
9/16/13 |
8/31/19 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Ecosystem dynamics of Western Pacific hydrothermal vent communities associated with polymetallic sulfide deposits |
12/1/15 |
3/31/19 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES Arctic Section - Water mass composition, circulation and mean residence times derived from measurements of natural and manmade tracers |
1/1/15 |
12/31/19 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Proposal: EarthCube Integration: Pangeo: An Open Source Big Data Climate Science Platform |
9/1/17 |
8/31/21 |
Collaborative Proposal: EarthCube Integration: THROUGHPUT: Standards and Services for Community Curated Repositories |
9/1/17 |
8/31/19 |
Collaborative Proposal: GP-IMPACT: Ambassadors for STEM Training to Enhance Participation (A-STEP) |
7/1/18 |
6/30/21 |
Collaborative Resaerch: P2C2--Multi-Site Paleo-Reconstruction of Missouri River Streamflows from Tree Ring Data |
7/1/14 |
6/30/19 |
North America
Collaborative Research: U.S. Geotraces Arctic Section: 230th, 232th and 231Pa tracers of trace element supply and removal |
1/1/15 |
12/31/19 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research and NEON: MSB Category 2: PaIEON - a Paleo Ecological Observatory Network to Assess Terrestrial Ecosystem Models |
9/1/13 |
5/31/15 |
Collaborative Research Assessing the Simulated Simulated Arctic Freshwater System in CMIP5 Models, the CESM Large Ensemble, and Forced Simulations |
8/1/15 |
7/31/18 |
Collaborative Research in IPY: Abrupt Environmental Change in the Larson Ice Shelf System, A Multidisciplinary Approach - Cryosphere and Oceans |
5/1/08 |
4/30/14 |
Collaborative Research Reassessing the settlement history of the Faroe Islands using lipid biomarker |
9/1/16 |
8/31/18 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research Reconstruction of Carbon Monoxide in the Pre-Industrial Arctic Atmosphere from Ice Cores at Summit, Greenland |
1/1/15 |
12/31/18 |
North America
Collaborative Research The North Anatolian Fault system in the Marmara Sea, Turkey Insights from the Quaternary evolution of a multi-stranded transform |
2/15/13 |
1/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: Developing a Continous Replicated Reconstruction of Tropical Pacific Climate Over the Last 500-700 Years: Analysis of Massive Porites Corals from American Samoa |
8/15/12 |
7/31/15 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Effects of warming induced increases in shrub abundance and changing seasonality on migratory songbirds in Alaskan arctic tundra |
9/1/09 |
8/31/15 |
North America
Collaborative Research: P2C2-Reconstructing Tropical Pacific Climate Variability and Monsoon Systems, and Abrupt Changes from Ice Cores on Irain Jaya, Indonesia and Hualcan, Peru |
8/1/08 |
6/30/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: 3-D/4-D Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal System at the East Pacific Rise RIDGE 2000 Integrated Study Site at 9 50' N |
8/15/03 |
9/30/11 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: A combined proxy and model investigation of Late Holocene paleoclimate in the Horn of Africa |
8/15/12 |
7/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: A community seismic experiment targeting the pre-, syn- and post-rift evolution of the Mid-Atlantic US margin |
8/15/13 |
7/31/16 |
North America
Collaborative Research: A field, laboratory and theoretical study of mixed bedrock-alluvial meandering rivers |
9/15/11 |
8/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: A High-Sensitivity 10Be and Extraterrestrial 3He Record from an Ice Core at South Pole |
5/1/16 |
10/31/20 |
Collaborative Research: A MCS Investigation to Study Axial Crustal Structure and Alteration of Upper Crust at the Juan de Fuca Spreading Center |
4/1/02 |
3/31/06 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: A Pilot Study for Electromagnetic Surveying of Freshwater Resources Beneath the US Atlantic Continental Shelf |
6/6/17 |
3/31/18 |
North America
Collaborative Research: A Proposal for the Cosmic-Ray Produced Nuclide Systematics on Earth (Cronus-Earth) Project |
3/1/05 |
9/30/12 |
Collaborative Research: A Southern Hemispheric Perspective on Holocene Climate Variability Based on Mountain Glacial Chronologies |
9/1/09 |
8/31/13 |
South America
Collaborative Research: A systems approach to understanding linkages between the Ross Ocean and Ice Shelf Environment and Tectonic setting Through Aerogeophysical Surveys and Modeling (ROSETTA-ICE) |
6/30/15 |
8/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Adding animals to the equation: assessing herbivore impacts on carbon cycling in northern Alaska |
10/1/16 |
9/30/21 |
Collaborative Research: Advanced modeling for understanding fluid and magma migration in subduction zones |
3/1/14 |
2/28/18 |
Collaborative Research: Advanced Models of Magma Migration at Convergent MARGINS |
2/1/09 |
1/31/13 |
Collaborative Research: Along Strike Variation in Shallow, Offshore Strain Accumulation and Slow Slip at Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand |
4/1/18 |
3/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Alteration of mantle peridottie: Geochemical fluxes and dynamics of far from equilibrium transport |
6/1/15 |
6/30/20 |
Collaborative Research: An Eocene Perspective on Future Recovery Rates of Climate |
3/1/17 |
2/29/20 |
Collaborative Research: An Experimental Investigation of Reactive Melt channelization in Partially Molten Rocks |
8/15/15 |
7/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: An Inverse and Forward Global Modeling Synthesis of Noble Gases to Better Quantify Biogeochemical Cycles |
9/15/11 |
8/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: Arctic GEOTRACES - Nd isotopes and REEs in the Arctic |
3/15/15 |
2/28/19 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Assessing Climate Model Simulations of Last Glacial Maximum Ocean Circulation with Carbons Isotopes |
9/1/12 |
8/31/16 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Assessing the impact of Arctic Sea Ice Variability on the Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Mass and Energy Balance |
2/23/16 |
7/31/17 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Assessing the Role of Compound-specific Phosphorus Hydrolase Transformations |
9/1/17 |
8/31/20 |
Collaborative Research: Atmosphere-Ocean-Ice Interaction in a Coastal Polyna |
8/15/08 |
7/31/12 |
Collaborative Research: Automated Continuous Measurement of CFC and SF6 Saturations in Surface Waters |
10/1/10 |
9/30/15 |
Collaborative Research: Bridging between Tabletop Models and the Earth System |
9/15/09 |
6/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: Calibrating Southeast Asian Proxies Speleothems and Tree Rings |
9/1/17 |
8/31/20 |
Collaborative research: Calibration of deep-sea coral paleoproxies for nutrients, carbonate ion, and temperature |
1/1/19 |
12/31/21 |
Collaborative Research: Catching the quake: Investigating samples from the JFAST expedition for evidence of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake |
5/1/13 |
4/30/16 |
Collaborative Research: Changes in river aquifer exchange induced by groundwater pumping, and their effect on arsenic contamination in the Red River Delta, Vietnam |
7/15/15 |
6/30/18 |
Collaborative Research: Chemical and biological characterizations of phosphonate and polyphosphonate dynamics in marine phytoplankton |
1/1/13 |
4/30/16 |
Collaborative Research: Climate and Glacier change in Bhutan: the last millennia, present and future |
9/1/13 |
8/31/17 |
Collaborative Research: Climate and Glacier change in Bhutan: the last millennia, present and future |
7/1/12 |
8/31/13 |
Collaborative Research: Climate, Human and Ecosystem Interactions in the face of a Rapidly Changing North Asian biome |
9/1/17 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Climatological, vegetational, and human-related controls on channelization and shallow landsliding quantified through objective analysis of LiDAR data |
8/15/11 |
1/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: Closing the Gaps in Climate Models' Surface Albedo Schemes of Processes Award Abstract #1713072 Collaborative Research: Closing the Gaps in Climate Models' Surface Albedo Schemes of Processes |
9/15/17 |
8/31/20 |
Collaborative Research: Cloud-Capable Tools for MG&G-Related Image Analysis of OOI HD Camera Video |
11/1/16 |
10/31/18 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Combined Seismological and Geodetic Constraints on 3-D Mantle Structure |
6/30/10 |
6/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: Completing a 10-Year Record of Deep Western Boundary Current Observations at Line W; A Contribution to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Study |
3/1/14 |
2/28/18 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Constraining Arc Processes Through Comprehensive Geochemical Study of the Chilean Southern Volcanic Zone |
8/1/10 |
7/31/13 |
South America
Collaborative Research: Constraints on Sediment Physical Properties at the Cape Fear and Currituck landslides from velocity analysis of new, open access seismic reflection data |
8/1/18 |
8/31/20 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Contributions of Prydz Bay Shelf Water to Antarctic Bottom Water Formation |
5/15/15 |
4/30/19 |
Collaborative Research: Coring the Line Islands Ridge for Paleoceanographic Research |
2/15/12 |
1/31/14 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Crustal Accretion and Mantle Processes Along the Subduction-Influenced Eastern Lau Spreading Center |
9/1/08 |
8/31/14 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Deep Circulation over the Flanks of a Mid-Ocean Ridge |
9/1/17 |
8/31/20 |
Collaborative Research: Deep Structure of Three Continental Sutures in Eastern North America |
5/1/12 |
10/31/18 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Defining the biogeochemical drivers of diatom physiological ecology in the North Atlantic |
9/1/16 |
8/31/19 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Deglacial ice dynamics in the Weddell Sea embayment using sediment provenance |
9/1/14 |
8/31/17 |
Collaborative Research: Deglacial Ice Dynamics in the Weddell Sea Embayment Using Sediment Provenance |
9/1/16 |
8/31/18 |
Collaborative Research: Determining the Vulnerability and Resilience of Boreal Forests and Shrubs across Northwestern North America |
9/1/16 |
8/31/19 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Developing Multicentury Drought Reconstructions from Guatemala and the Context for Past and Future Hydroclimatic Change |
3/1/09 |
4/30/13 |
Central America
Collaborative Research: Developing New Instrumentation ot Accurately Measure Heat and Mass Flux of Hydrothermal Fluids |
9/15/11 |
6/30/15 |
Collaborative Research: Development and Support of the MB-System Software Package for Processing and Display of Swath Mapping Sonar Data |
8/1/13 |
7/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Development of Adaptable Web Modules to Stimulate Active Learning in Hydrology Using Data and Model Simulations |
10/1/11 |
9/30/16 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Dissolved phosphorus processing by Trichodesmium consortia: Quantitative partitioning, role of microbial coordination, and impact on nitrogen fixation |
10/1/13 |
9/30/18 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: DRK-12: High School Students Climate Literacy Through Epistemology of Scientific Modeling |
9/1/17 |
8/31/21 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Dust Deposition, Paleo-Export Production, and Migration of the (ITCZ) Through the Last Glacial Cycle in the West-Central Pacific (Line Islands) |
2/15/15 |
4/30/19 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Dynamics and Variability of Freshwater Components in the Arctic Ocean |
8/15/15 |
7/31/17 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Dynamics of Crust-Mantle Coupling through Combined Analysis and Modeling of EarthScope seismic, Geodetic, and geologic data |
8/15/11 |
7/31/14 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Dynamics of dissolved organic phosphorus production, composition and bioavailability along a natural marine phosphate gradient |
3/1/18 |
2/28/21 |
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Evaluating the Larsen Basin S Suitability for Testing the Cretaceous Glaciation Hypothesis |
9/1/12 |
8/31/14 |
Collaborative Research: EarthCube End-User Workshop: Deep Seafloor Processes and Dynamics |
4/15/13 |
3/31/14 |
Collaborative Research: EaSM2: Linking near-term future changes in weather and hydroclimate in western North America to adaption for ecosystem and water management |
4/1/13 |
3/31/19 |
North America
Collaborative Research: East Antarctic Glacial Landscape Evolution (EAGLE): A study using combined thermochronology, geochronology and provenance analysis |
9/15/16 |
8/31/21 |
Collaborative Research: East Antarctic Outlet Glacier Contributions to the Ross Sea from Chronology of Detrital Grains |
12/15/10 |
11/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Interactions in a Changing Ocean |
3/1/19 |
2/28/23 |
Collaborative Research: Enhancing the Sustainability of Groundwater Pumping from Low-Arsenic Aquifers in Southern Asia - A Case-study in Vietnam South of Hanoi |
7/1/09 |
9/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: Evaluating Controls on Holocene Glacier Fluctuations and Climate Variability in the Southern Peruvian Andes |
9/15/11 |
8/31/15 |
South America
Collaborative Research: Evaluating hydrologic and ecologic responses to late-Glacial (9-33ka) abrupt climatic transitions in the coastal southwest United States |
9/1/12 |
8/31/15 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Evaluating the roles of melt migration and mantle flow in lithospheric evolution: the Colorado Plateau as a geodynamic laboratory for Earthscope |
5/1/10 |
7/31/13 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Evolution and Hydration of the Juan de Fuca Crust and Uppermost Mantle: A Plate-Scale Seismic Investigation from Ridge to Trench |
1/1/12 |
2/28/16 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Evolution of Arctic Water Column Hydrography during the Holocene Based on a Novel Instrumentation Combination |
7/1/15 |
6/30/19 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Evolution of Lava Channel Networks: Implication for Lava Flow Hazards and Mitigation |
2/1/13 |
1/31/16 |
Collaborative Research: Examining Linkages Between the Agulhas Leakage and Ocean Overturning in the Last Glacial Cycle and through the Mid-Pleistocene Transition |
9/1/18 |
8/31/22 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Experimental investigation of magmatic processes at Volcan Quizapu |
3/1/14 |
2/28/17 |
South America
Collaborative Research: Extracting multi-century low-latitude sea surface temperatures from coral skeletons using replicated records of annual growth: method refinement & application |
9/1/11 |
8/31/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Fast Spin Up of Ocean General Circulation Models Using Newton-Krylov Methods |
9/1/08 |
8/31/12 |
Collaborative Research: Faulting Processes During Early-Stage Rifting: Analysis of an Unusual Earthquake Sequence in Northern Malawi |
12/15/10 |
12/31/13 |
Collaborative Research: Filling the Triassic geochronologic gap: A continuous cored record of continental environmental change in western North America |
9/15/13 |
8/31/18 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Fire, Climate and Forest History in Mongolia |
6/1/10 |
8/31/13 |
Collaborative Research: FIRE: Making Meaning from Geoscience Data: A Challenge at the intersection of Geosciences and Cognitive Sciences |
9/1/11 |
6/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: Flow, Turbulence and mixing in Mid-Ocean ridge Fracture Zone Canyons |
9/1/13 |
8/31/18 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Fluid Transport and Fluid-Rock Interactions Preserved in Two Serpentinite Melanges in Guatemala Suture Zone |
7/1/11 |
6/30/16 |
South America
Collaborative Research: Focused Study of Aleutian Plutons and their Host Rocks: Understanding the building blocks of continental crust |
4/15/15 |
3/31/18 |
Collaborative Research: Framework: Data: Toward Exascale Community Ocean Circulation Modeling |
11/1/18 |
10/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: From the Slab to the Surface: Origin, Storage, Ascent and Eruption of Volatile-Bearing Magmas |
4/1/15 |
5/31/19 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Gas Transfer Through Polar Sea Ice (GAPS)-Mechanisms of Turbulence Production in the Seasonal Ice Zone and Its Control of Mixed Layer Ventilation |
10/1/10 |
9/30/13 |
Collaborative research: Geochemical variation of the Pacific crust subducting beneath the Izu-Bonin |
5/1/14 |
4/30/18 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Geological constraints on the disappearance of the Laurentide Ice Sheet |
6/1/20 |
5/31/23 |
Collaborative Research: Geomagnetic Variability, Paleoenvironmental Change, and a Tuned Geologic Timescale from Pacific Eocene-Pleistocene Sediments from IODP Expeditions 320-312 |
3/1/10 |
2/28/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Geophysical Constraints on Mechanisms of Ocean Plateau Formation from Shatsky Rise, Northwest Pacific |
8/1/09 |
7/31/12 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Pacifice Section: Nd isotopes and REEs in the South Pacific |
1/1/13 |
12/31/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon and Tracer Measurements, 2009-2014 |
12/10/08 |
1/31/18 |
Collaborative Research: Hawaiian and Subplinian Basaltic Volcanism: Constrains on Eruption Dynamics from Kilauea |
1/1/12 |
12/31/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Holocene Indian summer monsoon variability reconstructed from decadally-resolved Tibetan lake sediments |
7/15/14 |
6/30/19 |
Collaborative Research: How is Rifting Exhuming the Youngest HP/UHP Rocks on Earth? |
7/15/07 |
6/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: How is Rifting Exhuming the Youngest HP/UHP Rocks on Earth? |
1/1/08 |
6/30/14 |
Collaborative Research: Hydrological Variability During the Last Millennium from High Resolution Proxies |
10/1/10 |
9/30/14 |
South America
Collaborative Research: Ice sheet sensitivity in a changing Arctic system - using geologic data and modeling to test the stable Greenland Ice Sheet hypothesis |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Illuminating the Cascadia plate boundary zone and accretionary wedge with a regional-scale ultra-long offset multi-channel seismic study |
11/1/18 |
10/31/22 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Imaging small-scale convection and structure of the mantle in the south Pacific: a US contribution to international collaboration PacificArray |
8/15/17 |
7/31/21 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Imaging the Cascadia Subduction Zone: A Ship-to-Shore Opportunity |
4/1/12 |
4/30/15 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Immersive audio-visualization of seismic wave fields in the Earth (EarthScope education and outreach) |
7/1/12 |
6/30/16 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Inferences on Cascadia Deformation Front and Plate Interface Properties from Advanced Studies of Active Source Seismic Data |
7/1/17 |
6/30/20 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Influence of Surfactants on Air-Sea Gas Exchange: 3He/SF6 Experiments in the Baltic Sea |
3/1/18 |
2/28/21 |
Collaborative Research: Insights into North African climate variability over the last 1.1 million years from dust fluxes and leaf wax isotopes |
6/1/15 |
5/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Integrated Studies of Early Stages of Continental Extension: from Incipient (Okavango) to Young (Malawi) Rifts |
5/1/11 |
4/30/16 |
Collaborative Research: Investigating Effects of Geologic Complexity on Induced Seismicity, using M0-M5.7 seismicity from Prague, Oklahoma |
5/1/17 |
1/31/20 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Investigating Temperature, Melting, and Mantle Flow in the North American Upper Mantle with 3-D Models of Shear Velocity, Radial Anisotropy, and Attenuation |
3/15/13 |
2/28/16 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Investigating the Air-Sea Energy Exchange in the presence of Surface Gravity Waves by Measurements of Turbulence Dissipation, Production and Transport |
9/1/18 |
8/31/21 |
Collaborative Research: Investigating the Limits of Ray-Based Global Surface-Wave Tomography |
10/1/09 |
9/30/12 |
Collaborative Research: IPY: GAMBIT: Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping |
10/1/06 |
9/30/14 |
Collaborative Research: Landscape Evolution in the McMurdo Dry Valleys: Erosion Rates and Real-time Monitoring of Rock Breakdown in a Hyperarid, Subzero Environment |
5/1/18 |
4/30/22 |
Collaborative Research: Long-term Carbon Storage Shifts in High-latitude Peatlands with Paleoclimate Change: Linking Peatland Modeling with Paleoecology and Paleohydrology |
9/1/10 |
8/31/15 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Long-term Observations in the Switchyard Region of the Arctic Ocean as Part of the Arctic Observing Network (AON) |
9/1/10 |
8/31/15 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Magnetotelluric and Seismic Investigations of Arc Melt Generation, Deliver and Storage Beneath Okmok Volcano |
7/1/17 |
7/31/18 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Magnitude and Pathway of Gaseous Atmospheric Mercury |
1/1/19 |
12/31/21 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Management and implementation of the U.S. Arctic GEOTRACES Study |
7/1/14 |
7/2/14 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Marine EM Survey of Fluids in the Alaskan Megathrust |
6/1/18 |
8/31/21 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Measurements and Modelling of the Indonesian Throughflow International Experiment (MINTIE) |
6/15/19 |
5/31/24 |
Collaborative Research: Measuring Strain along the Aleutian Subduction Zone Trench to better constrain seismic and tsunami hazard |
9/1/17 |
8/31/20 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Mechanisms of Transient Deformation Following Great 2006-2007 Kuril Earthquakes: Frictional Afterslip or Viscoelastic Relaxation? |
8/1/10 |
7/31/12 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Melting of Carbonate-Bearing Sediments in Subduction Zones |
7/1/09 |
6/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: Modeling hydrothermal recharge and outflow in oceanic crust analogs with sharp permeability gradients |
9/1/15 |
12/31/17 |
Collaborative Research: Monitoring Inflation at Axial Seamount |
9/15/07 |
6/30/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Multidisciplinary Analysis of Antarctic Blue Ice Moraine Formation and their Potential as Climate Archives over Multiple Glacial Cycles |
9/1/15 |
8/31/18 |
Collaborative Research: Multi-nuclide approach to systematically evaluate the scatter in surface exposure ages in Antarctica and to develop consistent alpine glacier chronologies |
5/1/11 |
8/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: Navigating the New Arctic (NNA): Soundscape ecology to assess environmental and anthropogenic controls on wildlife behavior |
9/15/18 |
8/31/23 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Ocean Acidification: Impacts of Evolution on the Response of Phytoplankton Populations to Rising CO2 |
6/1/13 |
5/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Open Core Data: Transformative Data Infrastructure for Integrating and Accessing Scientific Drilling and Coring Data |
7/1/16 |
6/30/19 |
Collaborative Research: Optimizing Multibeam Data Acquisition Operations and Quality for the U.S. Academic Research Fleet |
9/15/11 |
8/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Locally-constrained Climate Field Reconstructions of the Last Millennium: Methods and Application |
8/1/11 |
7/31/13 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Reconstructing North Pacific Climate Variability using Multi-Millennial Tree Ring Resources for Glacier Bay, Alaska |
9/1/09 |
8/31/12 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Reconstructing South American Monsoon Sensitivity to Internal and External focing: Reconciling models and tree-ring proxies in the Central Andes |
3/1/18 |
2/28/21 |
South America
Collaborative Research: P2C2 Cool and Warm Season Moisture Reconstruction and Modeling over North America |
9/1/13 |
8/31/17 |
North America
Collaborative Research: P2C2-- Reconstructing changes in Asian monsoon circulation during the last millennium from stable isotopes in tropical tree rings |
8/15/12 |
4/30/13 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2--Derivation of Ensemble and Joint-Variable Climate Field Reconstruction |
11/1/16 |
10/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2-Inferring Spatio-Temporal Variations in the Risk of Extreme Precipitation in the Western United States from Tree Ring Chronologies |
9/1/17 |
8/31/20 |
North America
Collaborative Research: P2C2-Past and Future Drought Variability in the Mediterranean Basin |
6/1/11 |
5/31/13 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2-Tree-Ring Reconstructions of Western North Pacific Climate Dynamics |
5/1/12 |
5/31/16 |
P2C2: Collaborative Research: Past Ocean-Atmosphere Variability from Spatiotemporal Patterns of North Atlantic Climate During the Common Era |
7/1/15 |
6/30/19 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Persistent Presence in the Ocean Interior: Developing a Low-power, Autonomous System for Geo-referenced Navigation |
1/1/17 |
12/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Plate Tectonic and Geochemical Evolution of Young Walvis Ridge and Implications for African Plate Motion Modeling |
9/1/11 |
8/31/16 |
Collaborative Research: Plestocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet History as Recorded in Sediment Provence and Chronology of High-Elevation TAM Moraines |
6/1/10 |
5/31/14 |
Collaborative Research: Plutons as Ingredients for Continental Crust: Pilot Study of the Differences between intermediate plutons and lavas in the intra-oceanic Aleutian arc |
2/15/12 |
7/31/14 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Proposal for an NSF-Wide Workshop to Explore the Prospects for a Common Response to the Requirements for Public Access to Research Data |
9/15/16 |
8/31/18 |
Collaborative Research: Quantifying Past Water Table Depth and Hydroclimate with Dissolved Noble Gas |
7/1/17 |
6/30/20 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Quantifying the ocean's response to solar forcing: Multidecadal to century-scale variability of North Atlantic SSTs over recent millennia |
9/15/11 |
8/31/15 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Quantitative Importance and Trophic Role of Noctiluca Blooms in the Arabian Sea |
10/4/10 |
10/31/12 |
Collaborative Research: Rapid Magma Ascent Recorded in Volatile Diffusion Profiles |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
Central America
Collaborative Research: RAPID Testing High Temperature Subseafloor Tracers and Optical Communication |
6/1/14 |
5/31/15 |
Collaborative research: Recent northeastern united States temperature records in the Context of the Late Holocene |
8/1/13 |
7/31/16 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Hydroclimatic Asian Monsoon Variability for the past Millennium from Tree Rings: Myanmar and Vicinity |
5/15/13 |
4/30/17 |
Collaborative Research: Reconstructing Spatiotemporal Climatic Patterns for Northeastern Canada |
6/15/16 |
5/31/19 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Refreezing in the firn of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Spatiotemporal variability and implications for ice sheet mass balance |
9/1/16 |
8/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Resolving centennial-to-millennial-scale trends in glacier extent and lake sedimentation in the Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska |
9/1/11 |
8/31/15 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Rifting, Magmatism, and Lithospheric Sutures; Crustal Imaging of the South Georgia Basin and Suwanee Suture |
7/1/12 |
6/30/18 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Rio Grande Rise: New Questions on Plume Dynamics Atlantic Tectonic Evolution |
2/15/17 |
1/31/20 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Role of Polyoxotungstates in Enhanced Solubility and Transport of Tungsten in the Environment |
9/1/13 |
5/31/17 |
Collaborative Research: Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R): Transforming the Academic Fleet Into an Integrated Global Observing System |
9/1/09 |
8/31/15 |
Collaborative Research: SAM's Contribution to Increased Ocean Heat Content on the Continental Shelf of the Western Antarctic Peninsula |
8/15/10 |
7/31/13 |
Southern Ocean
Collaborative Research - Sediment pathways, sedimentation processes, and structural growth along the Tohoku segment of the Japan subduction margin: Role of megathrust earthquakes |
8/1/14 |
7/31/17 |
Collaborative Research: Seismic Attenuation and Anelasticity in the Upper Mantle: The Effect of Continuous Far-field Dislocation Creep |
5/1/19 |
4/30/22 |
Collaborative Research: Seismic imaging of volcano construction, underplating and flexure along the Hawaii-Emperor Seamount Chain |
4/1/18 |
3/31/21 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Seismic Study of the Galicia S Detachment |
3/15/13 |
2/28/18 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Shifting Seasonality of Northern Forest Response to Arctic Environmental Change |
6/15/09 |
5/31/13 |
North America
Collaborative Research: SI2-SSI: Inquiry-Focused Volumetric Data Analysis Across Scientific Domains: Sustaining and Expanding the yt Community |
10/1/17 |
9/30/22 |
Collaborative Research: Sinking Rates and Nutritional Quality of Organic Matter Exported from Sea Ice; the Importance of Exopolymeric Substances |
12/1/10 |
12/31/14 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Spatiotemporal Variability of Northwestern North American Temperatures in Response to Climatic Forcing |
5/1/15 |
4/30/19 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Strain Accumulation and release at the Kuril Subduction Zone from Postseismic Observations on the Kuril GPS Array in 2007-2014 |
2/1/12 |
5/31/16 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Structure and Composition of Oceanic Lithosphere and the Lithosphere/Asthenosphere Boundary |
3/1/10 |
2/28/15 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Subduction below Extreme Sedimentation – A multidisciplinary transect from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta to the IndoBurma Backarc |
9/1/17 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Taking the Reliability of Cenozoic Boron Isotope pH and pCO2 reconstructions to the next level |
4/1/17 |
3/31/21 |
Collaborative Research: Tectonic and Magmatic Processes During Early-Stage Rifting: An Integrated Study of Northern Lake Malawi, Africa |
4/15/12 |
3/31/20 |
Collaborative Research: Terrestrial Geological Context for Glacier Change in the Northeast Antarctic Peninsula |
7/1/12 |
6/30/17 |
Collaborative Research: Terrestrial Hydrology during the Last Deglaciation |
7/1/19 |
6/30/22 |
Collaborative Research: Testing Artic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Abrupt Climate Change |
9/1/14 |
8/31/19 |
Collaborative Research: Testing Mechanisms of Tropical Climate Change and Variability Using New Cores from the Line Islands |
7/15/14 |
6/30/18 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Testing Source vs. Crustal Processing in High-Mg# Arc Magmas by Os-O-He-Olivine Systematics |
8/1/19 |
7/31/22 |
Central America
Collaborative Research: Testing the Orbital Theory of Ice Ages Through Analysis of Glacial Deposits and Numerical Modeling |
7/15/13 |
12/31/18 |
Collaborative Research: The 2015 Taan Fiord landslide tsunami: An interdisciplinary study of cause & effect |
5/15/16 |
4/30/17 |
North America
Collaborative Research: The Aleutian megathrust from trench to base of the seismogenic zone; integration and synthesis of laboratory, geophysical and geological data |
2/1/14 |
1/31/17 |
North America
Collaborative Research: The Behavior of sulfur during magma mixing and implications for magma degassing and ore formation |
1/1/13 |
12/31/16 |
Collaborative Research: The impact of stratospheric ozone depletion/recovery on Antarctic climate |
1/1/10 |
4/30/14 |
Collaborative Research: The impact of time-dependent mantle rheology and 3-D structure on models and observations of Glacial Isostatic |
6/15/13 |
5/31/16 |
Collaborative Research: The North Anatolian Fault in the Marmara Sea, Turkey: The Growth of Continental Transform |
9/1/09 |
12/31/12 |
Collaborative Research: The North Anatolian Fault system in the Marmara Sea, Turkey - Insights from the Plio-Quaternary evolution of a multi-stranded transform |
10/1/15 |
9/30/19 |
Collaborative Research: The Pulse of the Holocene Glaciations in New Zealand's Southern Alps |
10/1/08 |
9/30/14 |
Collaborative Research: the role of fluids in intermediate-depth seismicity and wedge anisotropy: Case studies for Cascadia and Alaska, with a comparison to Japan |
4/1/13 |
9/30/14 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: The Upper Branch of the Southern Ocean Overturning in the Southern Ocean State Estimate: Water Mass Transformation and the 3-D Residual Circulation |
2/1/14 |
1/31/19 |
Southern Ocean
Collaborative Research: Timing and Structure of the Last Glacial Maximum and Termination in Southern Peru: Implications for the Role of the Tropics in Climate Change |
10/1/10 |
9/30/14 |
South America
Collaborative Research: Totten Glacier System and the Marine Record of Cryosphere - Ocean Dynamics |
9/1/12 |
8/31/17 |
Collaborative Research: Tropical Cyclones in a Warming Climate: Lessons from Model Simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene |
3/1/11 |
3/31/14 |
North America
Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section - Nd Isotope Distribution: Sources, Sinks, and Internal Cycling |
3/1/10 |
2/28/13 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: Analysis of 230Th, 232Th and 231Pa |
4/1/10 |
3/31/15 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: U.S. GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect: Thorium-232, Thorium-231 and Protactinium-231 as tracers of trace element supply and removal |
11/1/17 |
10/31/20 |
Collaborative Research: Uncertainty in Predictions of 21st Century Ocean Biogeochemical Change |
12/1/17 |
3/31/20 |
Collaborative Research: Understanding the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Earthquakes at Axial Seamount Late in an Eruptive Cycle |
9/1/15 |
8/31/18 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Unlocking the Seismic Signature of Rivers |
7/1/12 |
6/30/14 |
Collaborative Research: Uplift and Faulting at the Transition from Subduction to Collision - A Field and Modeling Study of the Calabrian Arc |
8/1/06 |
9/30/14 |
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect: Sources and Sinks of Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements |
11/1/17 |
10/31/20 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: US GEOTRACES Pacific Section: Analysis of 230Th, 232Th and 231Pa |
1/1/13 |
12/31/17 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Using Opportunistic Radon Measurements to Estimate the Gas Transfer Velocity in Partial Sea Ice Cover |
11/1/12 |
10/31/14 |
Arctic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Variations and Trends in Fall Precipitation over the Central United States: Issues of Physical Mechanisms, Circulation Anomalies and Boundary Forcing |
6/15/08 |
5/31/13 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Variations in Upper-mantle Temperature, Deformation, and Melting Inferred from the Seismic Structure of the Atlantic Basin |
4/1/09 |
3/31/13 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: Volatile Loss During Magma Ascent and Cooling |
8/1/10 |
7/31/14 |
Central America
Collaborative Research: West Antarctic Ice Sheet stability, Alpine Glaciation, and Climate Variability: a Terrestrial Perspective from Cosmogenic-nuclide Dating in McMurdo Sound |
9/15/13 |
8/31/17 |
Collaborative Research: Western Equatorial Pacific Rainfall During the Holocene: New Inter-annual Records from High Resolution Borneo Stalagmites |
9/1/11 |
8/31/14 |
Collision of the Burma Arc Accretionary Prism and Foldbelt with the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta in Bangladesh |
2/1/07 |
3/31/13 |
Comprehensive High-Precision Relocation of Global Seismicity |
2/1/12 |
1/31/16 |
Comprehensive high-precision relocation of global seismicty |
2/15/16 |
1/31/20 |
Connecting lava rheology and flow dynamics using novel field and modeling techniques |
1/1/12 |
12/31/13 |
Constraining the Past and Future Ocean Sink of Anthropogenic Carbon with Observations |
2/15/11 |
1/31/16 |
Constraining the Relationship Between Vegetation Change and Net Carbon Sequestration in Arctic and Boreal Peatlands |
5/1/16 |
4/30/19 |
Constraints on the Composition of Subducting Oceanic Crust in the Northwest Pacific Ocean Basin |
7/1/10 |
6/30/16 |
Pacific Ocean
Continental Scale Droughts in North America: Their Frequency, Character and Causes Over the Past Millennium and Near Term Future |
7/1/14 |
6/30/18 |
North America
Coral-based Reconstruction of salinity and temperature variability in the Southern Makassar Strait and its influence on the Indonesian Throughflow |
9/1/11 |
9/30/13 |
CRPA: Shrinking Glaciers: Achronology of Climate Change |
1/15/11 |
5/31/13 |
CSEDI Collaborative Research: Integrating Seismological, Rheological and Petrological Studies of Melt Production and Transport in Subduction Zones |
9/15/11 |
8/31/14 |
Decisions from Experience and the Role of Feedback in Environmental Decisions |
9/1/12 |
8/31/14 |
North America
Development of Freeze Shoe Sampler to Recover Aquifer Sands with in situ Groundwater from up to 1000 |
7/1/13 |
7/31/15 |
Development of low Nitrogen: Phosphorus Ratios in the Euphotic Zone - The Phosphorus Side of the Sto |
1/1/18 |
12/31/20 |
Central America
DMUU: Understanding and Improving Environmental Decisions |
9/1/10 |
8/31/18 |
DMUU: Understanding and Improving Environmental Decisions |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
Do Creeping Faults Ever Host Large Earthquakes? An investigation of Thermal Alteration in the SAFOD |
5/1/14 |
5/31/19 |
North America
Drying Versus Wettening of the East African Climate |
5/1/13 |
3/31/16 |
Dynamic and Geochemical Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle Beneath the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica |
12/15/10 |
11/30/15 |
Southern Ocean
Dynamical coupling of deformation and melt transport in the Earth: A combined theoretical and experimental study |
7/15/12 |
6/30/16 |
EAGER SitS: Signaling the Health Of Tree-pit Soil (SHOTS) |
10/1/18 |
9/30/20 |
North America
EAGER: Catastrophic Landslide Dynamics from Seismic Wave Inversion and Satellite Remote Sensing |
9/1/11 |
8/31/12 |
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Combining Community and Clinical Data for Augmenting Influenza Model |
9/1/16 |
8/31/18 |
Eager: Collaborative Research: EarthCube Building Blocks, Leveraging Semantics and Linked Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery |
9/15/13 |
8/31/15 |
North America
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Supporting Public Access to Supplemental Scholarly products Generated from Grant Funded Research |
9/1/16 |
8/31/19 |
North America
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Using Available Sentry AUV aboard R/V Atlantis to Measure Hydrothermal Heat Flux at Axial and Main Endeavor Fields |
4/15/13 |
3/31/15 |
EAGER: Investigating the Thermal Maturity of Organic Matter in Fault Zones with Laboratory Experiments |
3/1/12 |
4/30/14 |
EAGER: Proof of concept: U-Th Dating of Lake-level History at Mono Basin, CA |
9/1/13 |
8/31/15 |
North America
EAGER: The 170-excess of dissolved O2 in the deep sea: A possible tracer of Little Ice Age oceanography |
8/1/11 |
7/31/13 |
EarthCube Building Blocks: Collaborative Proposal: A Geo-Semantic Framework for Integrating Long-Tail Data and Models |
9/1/14 |
8/31/17 |
EarthCube Building Blocks: Collaborative Proposal: GeoLink - Leveraging Semantics and Linked Data for Data Sharing and Discovery in the Geosciences |
9/1/14 |
8/31/17 |
EarthCube Domain End-User Workshop: Community-Based Cyberinfrastructure for Petrology and Geochemistry |
2/15/13 |
1/31/16 |
Earthcube IA: Collaborative Proposal: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance as a Model for Integrati |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
EarthCube RCN: C4P: Collaboration and cyberinfrastructure for Paleogeosciences |
9/15/13 |
8/31/18 |
North America
EarthCube RCN: iSAmpLEs: The internet of Samples in the Earth Sciences |
9/1/14 |
8/31/19 |
Earth-Life Transitions Collaborative Research: Evolutionary and ecological responses of small mammal communities to habitat and climate change over the last 5 million years |
8/15/13 |
7/31/17 |
Atlantic Ocean
Earth's Climate History, Ice Sheets, and Sea Level Over Last Four Million Years |
8/15/11 |
8/31/12 |
EaSM-3 Collaborative Research: Local and Remote Regional Climate Responses to Regional Forcings from Short-Lived Climate Forcers |
10/1/14 |
9/30/20 |
Educating Young Researchers in Environment Ethics |
8/15/16 |
7/31/19 |
ELT Collaborative Research: Evolutionary and ecological responses of small mammal communities to habitat and climate change over the last 5 million years |
8/15/13 |
7/31/17 |
Environmental Decision Making by Individuals and Groups |
9/15/07 |
8/31/12 |
Establishing a Long-Term Geodetic Network at the East Pacific Rise Ridge 2000 Integrated Studies Site |
4/1/07 |
9/30/13 |
Pacific Ocean
Evaluating Mechanisms for the Formation, Propagation and Evolution of Volcanic Rifts and Margins |
5/1/17 |
4/30/19 |
Evaluation of Finestructure Mixing Parameterization Based on LADCP Shear |
7/1/10 |
8/31/13 |
Exploring STEM Impact and Engagement in Student-Led and Purpose-Driven Projects |
9/1/18 |
6/30/21 |
North America
Facility Support: The Global CMT Project |
1/1/13 |
5/31/17 |
Facility Support: The Global CMT Project |
8/1/16 |
7/31/20 |
FESD Type 1: Pliocene Maximum Sea Level (PLIOMAX): Dynamic Ice Sheet-Earth Response in a Warmer World |
9/1/11 |
8/31/18 |
Fibrous diamonds through time-insights into mantle fluids and metasomatism |
1/1/15 |
12/31/17 |
Final stages of breakup and early spreading history of the Eastern North America passive margin from multichannel seismic data |
3/15/16 |
2/28/19 |
Atlantic Ocean
Formation and evolution of upper oceanic crust from seismic data acquired over mature oceanic crust |
9/1/16 |
8/31/18 |
Pacific Ocean
Future Changes in the Seasonal Cycle: Mechanisms and Implications |
1/1/10 |
2/28/15 |
Geochemical Calibration of Modern Isopora and Acropora Corals from the Great Barrier Reef and Applications |
5/1/14 |
4/30/17 |
Geoinformatics Facilities Support: Integrated Data Collections for the Earth & Ocean Sciences: The Marine Geoscience Data System and the Geoinformatics for Geochemistry Program |
10/1/10 |
9/30/17 |
North America
GeoMapApp Mini-lessons and the K-12 Classroom: Transformative Resources for the 21st Century Educator |
9/15/10 |
8/31/13 |
North America
GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Improving understanding of controls on the distributions of selected anthropogenic radionuclides in the Amerasian Basin |
1/1/15 |
12/31/19 |
GEOTRACES Pacific section: Dissolved and particulate concentrations of selected anthropogenic radionuclides along the U.S. GEOTRACES Peru-Tahiti zonal section |
1/1/13 |
9/30/18 |
Pacific Ocean
GP-IMPACT: Science Technology Engineering and Math Student Experiences Aboard Ships (STEMSEAS) |
7/1/17 |
6/30/20 |
GP-IMPACT: The Community College Compass - Mapping a Guided Pathway into Geosciences |
8/1/19 |
7/31/22 |
North America
Hazards SEES Type 1: Predicting Landslide Runout and Granular Flow Hazard: Enhanced-g Centrifuge Experiments, Contact Dynamics Model Development and Theoretical Study |
8/1/13 |
8/31/15 |
Heinrich event iceberg flux, melting, and ocean circulation in the North Atlantic |
9/1/16 |
8/31/19 |
Atlantic Ocean
High and Low-Latitude Controls on the Mean Position of the Atlantic ITCZ (0-150 ka BP) |
10/1/09 |
9/30/13 |
Atlantic Ocean
Hikurangi Trench Regional Electromagnetic Survey to Image the Subduction Thrust |
3/1/18 |
5/31/22 |
History of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Since the Mid-Miocene: New Evidence from Provenance of Ice-rafted Debris |
7/15/10 |
6/30/14 |
Hydrographic and Sediment-Trap Monitoring of Anoxic Soledad Basin off Baja California for Enhanced Climate Reconstructions: An Interdisciplinary Planning Workshop |
7/1/09 |
7/31/12 |
Pacific Ocean
Ice sheet Dynamics and Processes along the West Antarctic Continental Shelf |
6/1/09 |
5/31/13 |
Idealized models for tropical climate dynamics |
8/1/10 |
7/31/15 |
IEDA 2016-2021: Operation of a Multi-Disciplinary Data Facility for the Earth Science Community - MG/EarthChem/SESAR |
2/15/17 |
4/30/22 |
IGERT: Solving Urbanization Challenges by Design – A New PhD Program Between Architecture & Engineering |
8/1/09 |
7/31/16 |
Imaging the Fine Structure of Earthquakes and Faults with High-Precision Aftershocks |
11/1/15 |
10/31/19 |
North America
Improved locations for global seismic events using surface waves |
7/1/15 |
6/30/19 |
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology |
10/1/18 |
9/30/19 |
Insolation Control of Ice Sheet Mass Balance in the 41-kyr World: a test of Multiple Hypotheses |
8/15/11 |
7/31/13 |
Interannual and Orbital-Scale Climate Variability in the Early Miocene: Physical, Chemical and Biological Investigations of the Foulden Maar Diatomite |
4/1/14 |
3/31/16 |
Inter-Disciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) |
1/1/16 |
6/30/17 |
Investigating the Presence of Preseismic Velocity Changes |
9/15/09 |
8/31/12 |
North America
IPY/ASEP Collaborative International Research: Amundsen Sea Influence on West Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability And Sea Level Rise |
7/1/07 |
8/31/12 |
Laboratory study of ice deformation under tidal loading conditions with application to Antarctic glaciers |
2/1/13 |
1/31/17 |
Laboratory Study of Substrate Control and Cryoseismicity of Glacier Basal Motion |
7/15/19 |
6/30/22 |
Lamont Center for Biogeochemistry: Renovation of the Biology and Paleo Environment Laboratories |
10/1/10 |
9/30/14 |
North America
Lamont Doherty Core Repository: Curation, Service Professional Development, Outreach |
6/15/16 |
5/31/21 |
Lamont, Doherty Core Repository: Curation, Service Professional Development and Outreach |
3/15/13 |
11/30/16 |
North America
Landslide dynamics from seismic wave inversion, satellite remote sensing, and numerical modeling |
9/1/12 |
8/31/16 |
Late Quaternary Variability of the Agulhas Thermohaline Valve from Nd Isotopes in Planktonic Foraminifera |
9/1/10 |
8/31/14 |
Atlantic Ocean
LDEO/Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Oceanographic Instrumentation |
6/1/15 |
12/31/17 |
Learning through Ecology and Environmental Fields Studies (LEEFS) |
6/1/08 |
11/30/14 |
Life on a Tectonically Active Delta: Convergence of Earth Science and Geohazard Research in Bangladesh with Education and Capacity Building |
6/1/10 |
8/31/18 |
Love-wave propragation in oceanic upper mantle: constraints on radial anisotropy and implications for dynamics of the asthenosphere |
9/1/15 |
8/31/19 |
Pacific Ocean
LTER Palmer, Antarctica (PAL) Land-Shelf-Ocean Connections, Ecosystem Resilience and Transformation in a Sea-Ice Influenced Pelagic Ecosystem |
9/1/14 |
8/31/20 |
LTER: Palmer Antarctica LTER: Climate Change, Ecosystem Migration and Telecommunication in an Ice-Dominated Environment |
4/1/13 |
8/31/15 |
Magma ascent and eruption in the Aleutian arc |
6/1/16 |
11/30/18 |
North America
Mantle signals in arcs: Transport models from geochemistry and seismicity |
2/1/15 |
1/31/18 |
Mapping Saharan Dust Fluxes through the Onset and Termination of the African Humid Period in a Transect of African Margin Cores |
9/1/10 |
8/31/14 |
Mapping Variability in the Thermo-mechanical Structure of the North American Plate and Upper Mantle |
9/1/17 |
8/31/19 |
North America
MARGINS: Collaborative Research: Illuminating the Architecture of the Greater Mount St. Helens Magmatic Systems from Slab to Surface |
6/1/12 |
5/31/14 |
North America
Mechanisms of Mediterranean Region Hydroclimate Variability and Change |
9/1/17 |
8/31/21 |
Megathrust Seismic Hazard by Reflection Mapping |
1/1/10 |
3/31/14 |
Pacific Ocean
MRI: Acquisition of an CRF Core Scanner for the Lamont-Doherty Core Respository |
8/15/15 |
7/31/17 |
North America
MRI-R2: Acquisition of Stable Isotope Instrumentation for High Precision Paleoclimatic and Environmental Research at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory |
5/1/10 |
4/30/12 |
Multi-Scale Climate Information for Agricultural Planning in Southeastern South America for Coming Decades |
3/1/11 |
2/28/16 |
South America
Nature-Based Tourism in Urbanizing Economies: The Case of India's Protected Areas |
9/15/10 |
2/28/15 |
New constraints on and models of global and plate-scale anisotropic mantle structure |
7/1/13 |
6/30/17 |
NNA Track 1: Predicting coastal responses to a changing Greenland ice sheet |
9/1/19 |
8/31/23 |
North Atlantic Bottom Water Temperature and Ice Volume Records from the Mid-Pleistocene Transition |
10/1/14 |
9/30/16 |
NSF INCLUDES Early Engagement in Research: key to long-term STEM retention |
10/1/16 |
9/30/21 |
North America
NSF/GEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: Multi-scale investigation of rheology and emplacement of multi-phase lava |
10/1/19 |
9/30/22 |
North America
NSFGEO-NERC: Collaborative Research: The Central Apennines earthquake Cascade under a New Microscope |
4/15/18 |
3/31/21 |
NSFGEO-NERC: Ice-Shelf Instability Caused by Active Surface Meltwater Production, Movement, Ponding and Hydrofracture |
6/1/19 |
5/31/23 |
Ocean Acidification - Category 1: Calibration and Application of the Boron Isotope Seawater-pH Indicator in Deep-water Corals |
9/15/10 |
8/31/16 |
Pacific Ocean
Ocean Acidification - Category 1: Climatological Mean Distribution of pH in Surface Waters in the Unified pH Scale and Mean Rate of Changes in Selected Areas |
1/1/11 |
12/31/13 |
Ocean Acidification: Collaborative Research: Establishing the Magnitude of Sea-Surface Acidification During The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum |
9/1/12 |
8/31/16 |
Atlantic Ocean
Ocean Acidification: Collaborative Research: Quantifying the potential for the biogeochemical feedbacks to create 'refugia' from ocean acidification on tropical coral reefs |
7/1/13 |
6/30/17 |
Pacific Ocean
Oceanic Response to a Coastal Polynya, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica |
9/1/14 |
8/31/18 |
Oceanographic Instrumentation 2014 |
4/1/14 |
3/31/16 |
Oceanographic Technical Services, LDEO, 2018 - 2023 |
12/27/17 |
4/30/23 |
Oceanographic Technical Services, R/V Marcus G. Langseth, 2012-2016 |
1/1/12 |
8/31/18 |
Operation and Management of the LDEO Instrument Center of the National Ocean Seismometer Pool |
4/1/06 |
3/31/14 |
OPUS: Synthesis of Three Decades of Research on Tree Growth in Northern Forests in Relation to Global Climate Change |
6/1/10 |
5/31/14 |
P2C2: Decomposition and Reconstruction of Drought Variability Across the Continental United States and Northern Mexico |
8/1/17 |
7/31/20 |
North America
P2C2: Diagnosing the Dynamics of Past and Future North American Megadroughts |
3/1/19 |
3/31/22 |
Atlantic Ocean
P2C2: North American Megadrought: Atmosphere-Ocean Forcing and Landscape Response from the Medieval Period to the Near-term Greenhouse Future |
7/1/09 |
6/30/13 |
North America
Paleoclimate shocks: environmental variability, human vulnerability, and societal adaptation during the last millennium in the Greater Mekong Basin |
7/30/09 |
9/30/14 |
Patagonia Glaciation, Geochemical Tracers of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and Iron Fertilization of the Glacial South Atlantic Ocean |
9/1/08 |
8/31/13 |
Southern Ocean
Petrologic Study of Peridotite Carbonation in Oman: Temperature, Timing and Fluid Composition |
3/1/11 |
2/28/15 |
Photoheterotrophy in unicellular cyanobacteria: ecological drivers and signigicance for marine biogeochemistry |
9/1/14 |
8/31/18 |
PREEVENTS Track 1: Meteorology and Impacts of Correlated Climate Extremes: New York, NY: May 28-31, 2019 |
4/1/19 |
3/31/21 |
Probing the Roots of Active Volcanic Systems with Spectral Ambient Noise Tomography and Receiver Functions |
8/15/10 |
7/31/14 |
North America
Professional Development to Improve the Spatial Thinking of Earth Science Teachers and Students |
9/15/10 |
8/31/13 |
Proposed Workshop: "African Climate Change and Human Evolution" |
4/1/12 |
8/31/13 |
Provision of Log Data Reduction and Database Services for Scientific Ocean Drilling |
7/1/14 |
6/30/17 |
Quantifying Subglacial Erosion Rates and Exploring Pro-glacial Bedrock as Climate Archive by in-situ Cosmogenic ^14C-610Be Techniques |
10/1/09 |
9/30/13 |
Quantifying the fundamental behavior of green roofs in an urban environment |
7/1/09 |
6/30/13 |
North America
8/15/15 |
7/31/17 |
R/V Marcus G. Langseth - Oceanographic Instrumentation 2016 |
3/1/16 |
3/31/17 |
R/V Marcus G. Langseth-Oceanographic Instrumentation 2015 |
6/1/15 |
5/31/16 |
RAPID - Collaborative Research - Offshore impacts of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake on seafloor deformati |
8/1/11 |
7/31/13 |
RAPID: Anthropogenic Radionuclides in the Atlantic Ocean 4 Decades after GEOSECS |
12/1/09 |
8/31/13 |
Atlantic Ocean
RAPID: Collaborative Research: Seismic Response to the 2016 M5.8 Pawnee Earthquake |
9/1/16 |
10/31/17 |
North America
RAPID: Continuation of U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: CFC and SF6 Measurements |
7/1/11 |
6/30/13 |
Atlantic Ocean
RAPID: High-Resolution Gravity for Thwaites Glacier |
8/15/18 |
7/31/19 |
RAPID: Rapid Assessment of Extent and Photophysiological Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill |
6/21/10 |
7/31/12 |
Atlantic Ocean
RCN: Improving reconstructions of Cenozoic pCO2 and temperature change |
10/1/16 |
9/30/20 |
RCN-SEES: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage |
9/1/12 |
8/31/16 |
RCN-SEES: Network for Utilization of Social Science Research on Sustainability and Energy (NUSSRoSE) |
1/1/12 |
10/31/14 |
North America
Real-Time Power: A Thermoelectric System for Powering Seafloor Instrumentation |
12/1/17 |
1/31/20 |
Reconstructing Last Interglacial Sea Level Based on Models and Observation from the Bahamas |
4/15/19 |
3/31/22 |
Reconstructing Slab and Mantle Fluxes during the Eocene-Oligocene Evolution of the Izu-Bonin Volcanic Arc (NW Pacific) |
6/1/05 |
6/30/08 |
Pacific Ocean
Reconstructing the Paleo-Budget of 231Protactinium in the North Pacific |
9/1/18 |
8/31/21 |
Pacific Ocean
Reconstructing the role of CO2 in climate change throughout the Cenozoic Step 1: The mid-Pleistocene transition |
9/1/06 |
8/30/10 |
Reconstruction and Dynamics of Interhemispheric Hydroclimate Variability Between the Americas |
6/15/16 |
5/31/19 |
South America
Reforming Undergraduate Education in Environmental Engineering: Urban Studios as Knowledge Delivery Systems and Vehicles for Service Learning |
9/15/04 |
8/31/09 |
North America
MRI-R2: Development of an ice Imaging System for Monitoring Changing Ice Sheets Mounted on the NYANG LC-130 |
4/1/14 |
6/30/15 |
Response of high-latitude forests to a warmer and CO2-enriched atmosphere: tree rings in a process-based model |
6/15/15 |
12/31/20 |
REU Site: Interdisciplinary Cutting-Edge Research though the Analysis of Global Data |
4/1/18 |
3/31/21 |
North America
REU SITE: Research Experience for Undergraduates: Analyzing Global Databases |
6/1/10 |
11/30/14 |
REU Site: Research Experience for Undergraduates: Analyzing Global Databases |
9/1/14 |
2/28/18 |
North America
Role of variable picoplankton cellular phosphorus turnover and allocation in marine phosphorus cycli |
9/1/14 |
8/31/17 |
Atlantic Ocean
Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) 2014-2019 |
9/1/14 |
8/31/20 |
Satellite Observations and Modelling of Surface Meltwater Flow and its Impact on Ice |
8/1/18 |
7/31/22 |
School-based Ecology and Environmental Discoveries (SEEDS) |
9/15/10 |
8/31/15 |
North America
Sea Surface Temperature-Forced Monsoon Evolution and Variability in West Africa |
11/1/16 |
10/31/19 |
Seismic imaging of the interplate boundary and deformation within the overriding Aegean lithosphere |
1/1/16 |
12/31/16 |
Ship Operations 2012-2017 |
1/1/12 |
10/31/18 |
Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment 2013 |
9/1/13 |
8/31/14 |
Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment 2015 |
6/15/15 |
8/31/16 |
Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment 2016 |
3/15/16 |
2/28/17 |
SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: ENKI: Software infrastructure that Enables Knowledge integration for Modeling Coupled Geochemical and Geodynamical Processes |
7/1/16 |
8/31/19 |
South China Sea-Indonesia Seas Transportation/Exchange (Site) |
3/15/08 |
2/28/13 |
Pacific Ocean
SRN: Integrated Urban Infrastructure Solutions for Environmentally Sustainable, Healthy and Livable Cities |
8/21/15 |
7/31/20 |
Stratospheric and Tropical Influences on the Mid-Latitude Circulation Response to Rising Greenhouse Gases |
8/15/13 |
6/30/18 |
Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Recovery and Antarctic Climate Change |
4/1/14 |
3/31/17 |
Studies of Unusual Earthquakes: Volcanos and Landslides |
7/1/10 |
6/30/13 |
Subaward: Testing the Scenario Hypothesis: The Effect of Alternative Characterizations of Uncertainty on Decision Structuring |
5/1/11 |
4/1/14 |
Subglacial drainage and slip modeling in Antarctica: relating lakes to ice discharge |
3/1/11 |
2/29/16 |
Subglacial Lakes and the Onset of Ice Streaming: Recovery Lakes |
11/1/08 |
10/31/12 |
Sulfur Isotopic Evidence on the Age of Recycled Surface Material in the Tristan-Gough Plume Source |
6/15/18 |
5/31/20 |
Supply and removal of trace elements in the subtropical South Pacific (UltraPac) |
10/1/15 |
9/30/16 |
Pacific Ocean
Support for the U.S. GEOTRACES Project Office |
10/1/11 |
9/30/16 |
Support for the U.S. GEOTRACES Project Office |
10/1/15 |
9/30/19 |
Support for the U.S. GEOTRACES Project Office |
10/1/18 |
9/30/21 |
Surface-Wave Data Profucts from USArray |
4/1/15 |
3/31/17 |
North America
Surface-wave Propagation Across North America: New Methods, Observations and Models |
5/1/10 |
4/30/14 |
North America
SuSCheM: Environmentally Sustainable Pathways forExtracting Valuable Elements from Electronic Wastes |
9/1/17 |
8/31/19 |
Sustainable Energy Conversion of Solid Wastes with Integrated In-Situ Carbon Sequestration |
10/1/09 |
9/30/14 |
Sustainable Engineering Graduate Scholars Program - Diversifying the Pipeline to the PhD |
1/1/12 |
12/31/17 |
North America
Synthesis of Internal Wave and Turbulence Observations Across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current |
9/1/17 |
8/31/19 |
Technical Services |
12/27/17 |
4/30/23 |
Tectonics in the Western Anatolian Extensional Province from sequence stratigraphic modeling of multichannel seismic data in the Gulf of Kusadasi |
3/15/16 |
2/28/22 |
Temporal Discounting of Social Goals |
9/1/08 |
8/1/12 |
Testing geochemical proxy relationships under variable paleo-seawater chemical compositions |
9/1/12 |
8/31/17 |
Testing Predictions from the Cascade and Pre-Seismic Slip Models for Foreshock Occurrence with the High Precision Catalog for Northern California |
4/1/10 |
3/31/14 |
North America
Testing the Fidelity of Neodymium Isotopes as a Paleocirculation Tracer in the Southeast Indian-Sout |
9/1/17 |
12/31/17 |
Testing the Observation of Annual Seismic Velocity Variations at Axial Volcano |
6/1/18 |
5/31/19 |
Pacific Ocean
Testing the Processes of Melt Differentiation in the Mexican Volcanic Belt |
1/15/08 |
7/1/13 |
Central America
Testing the Scenario Hypothesis: The Effect of Alternative Characterizations of Uncertainty on Decision Structuring |
5/1/11 |
4/1/13 |
Testing the Slab Connection: A 10Be and 10Be/9Be Tracer Study in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt |
4/1/19 |
3/31/21 |
Central America
The Essential Dynamics of Tropical Rain Belts: Monsoons and Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in a Multi-model Ensemble of Idealized Simulations |
11/1/16 |
10/31/19 |
The Impact of Downward Wave Coupling on the Tropospheric Circulation |
9/1/11 |
8/31/16 |
The Impact of the Stratosphere on Arctic Climate |
7/15/16 |
6/30/19 |
The Madden Julian Oscillation and the Maritime Continent |
4/1/16 |
3/31/19 |
The Role of Fault Strands and Roughness in Fault and Earthquake Mechanics |
9/1/10 |
8/31/12 |
The Role of Science in Climate Change Adaptation Funding |
11/1/10 |
3/1/14 |
The Seasonal Cycle of Export Production in an Antarctic Coastal Marine Ecosystem |
4/1/12 |
5/31/15 |
The Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope Evolution of the Mariana Island Arc |
4/15/09 |
9/30/13 |
Pacific Ocean
The Systematics of Helium in Diamond-forming Metasomatic Mantle Fluids |
7/15/17 |
6/30/19 |
The Tropics Rule: A Symposium honoring Mark Cane's contribution to Climate Science |
6/1/14 |
12/31/15 |
Thermal and melt structure of the Juan de Fuca plate from ridge to trench to arc, inferred from seismic attenuation across the Amphibious Array |
7/1/15 |
7/31/16 |
North America
Thermal Structure, hydration and dehydration of the entire Juan de Fuca Plate |
8/1/13 |
7/31/17 |
North America
Thermohaline Circulation and Deep Ocean Carbonate Chemistry across the Mid-Pieistocene Transition |
9/1/14 |
8/31/17 |
Towards mass balancing arc magmatic fluxes-insights from the central Mexican Volcanic Belt |
7/15/12 |
6/30/15 |
Central America
Travel Support for an International Meeting on Monsoons and Tropical Rain Belts: Trieste, Italy |
4/1/18 |
3/31/19 |
TREES - Technology, Research, and Ecology Exchange for Students |
12/1/10 |
11/1/13 |
North America
Tropical Cyclones and Climate - A Model Intercomparison Project |
1/1/12 |
12/31/16 |
Type 1-L02170337: Collaborative Research: Use of Climate Information in International Negotiation for Adaptation Resources |
11/29/10 |
3/31/15 |
U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Section: CFC and SF6 Measurements |
12/1/09 |
11/30/12 |
Atlantic Ocean
ULTRA-Ex: Exploring Linkages among Ecosystem Services, Public Health, and the Green Area Factor in New York City |
8/1/10 |
1/31/14 |
North America
Understanding Forced Asian Monsoon Changes in Observations and Coupled Model Intercomparison Project |
11/1/16 |
10/31/21 |
Understanding the Integrity of Deep Ice in Antarctica from Geophysical Data Sets and Physical Models |
3/1/17 |
2/27/22 |
Unearthing Aftershocks: Physical Simulations Statistical Models, and New Observations |
2/1/15 |
1/31/17 |
U-Series Disequilibrium in Weddell Sea Sediments: Rates of Iceberg Discharge and Impact on Global Oceans |
12/1/10 |
11/30/13 |
Using Numerical Models of Poroelastic Fluid Flow to Constrain the Permeability Structure of Young Ocean Crust |
9/1/09 |
8/31/12 |
Pacific Ocean
Using tree rings to develop critical scientific and mathematical thinking skills in undergraduate students |
1/1/14 |
4/30/20 |
North America
Validation of the B/Ca Proxy for Surface Seawater pH and Application to Measure Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification |
3/15/08 |
2/28/14 |
Ventilation History of the Sulu Sea: Record of Abrupt Changes in the Tropical Western Pacific Thermocline |
8/15/17 |
7/31/19 |
Pacific Ocean
Vulnerability of East Antarctic ice streams to warm ocean water incursions |
7/1/13 |
6/30/17 |
Vulnerability of the Arctic Marginal Ice Zone to Changes in Drifting Ice |
7/15/06 |
12/31/10 |
Water diffusion in olivine: Experiments and application to phenocrysts |
1/1/15 |
2/28/17 |
Water in the Lithosphere: The Fidelity of Mantle Xenoliths |
9/1/17 |
8/31/19 |
North America
Wave Breaking in High Winds and its Effects on the Air-Sea Exchange of Gasses of Varying Solubility |
9/1/15 |
1/31/18 |
Arctic Ocean
West Antarctic Ice Shelf- Ocean Bathymetry Interactions |
7/15/18 |
6/30/20 |
West Antartctic Ice Shelf - Ocean Interactions |
4/1/18 |
3/31/20 |
Workshop Monsoons & ITCZ: the annual cycle in the Holocene and the future |
5/1/15 |
4/30/16 |
North America
Workshop on Antarctic Surface Hydrology and Future Ice-shelf Stability |
7/15/17 |
12/31/18 |
Workshop on Geotechnical Fundamentals in the Face of New Challenges |
7/1/15 |
7/31/18 |
Workshop on Paleo-Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Perturbation Events August 26-28, 2010 |
6/1/10 |
5/31/13 |
WSC-Category 3 Collaborative: America's Water-The Changing Landscape of Risk, Competing Demands and Climate |
8/1/14 |
7/31/19 |
North America
CRISP Type 1: Protecting Coastal Infrastructure in a Changing Climate by Integrating Optimization Modeling and Stakeholder Observations |
9/1/17 |
8/31/20 |
North America
Ocean Gravity-Capillary Waves: Dependence on Sea-Surface Processes and Microlayer Properties |
9/1/19 |
8/31/21 |
CAREER: Monsoon and the Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere |
9/2/17 |
4/30/23 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Thermodynamics and thermoelasticity of iron-bearing phases |
7/1/19 |
6/30/22 |
Three Compliance Instruments for Axial Volcano to Observe Long Term Evolution of the Magma Chamber and in Support of OOI Observations |
10/1/19 |
9/30/21 |
North America
Validating Pressure Gauges for Seafloor Seismology and Geodesy |
12/1/19 |
11/30/21 |
North America
NNA Track 1: Collaborative Research: ARC-NAV: Arctic Robust Communities-Navigating Adaptation to Variability |
9/15/19 |
8/31/24 |
Collaborative Research: Linking Sea Ice and Snow Cover Changes to Greenland Mass Balance through Stratospheric and Tropospheric Pathways |
8/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2--Quantifying Holocene Climate Variations through Data Assimilation using Proxies and General Circulation Models (GCMs) Output |
9/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
North America
EAGER: Measurement of Sulfur Hexafluoride and Argon-39 on Archived Samples from the Atlantic Ocean Collected in the 1980s |
9/1/19 |
8/31/20 |
Atlantic Ocean
Collaborative Research: A Seismic Study of Oceanic-Arc Crustal Construction Processes at the Archetypal Andreanof Segment of the Aleutian Arc |
9/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
North America
GCR: Collaborative Research: Disentangling Environmental Change and Social Factors as Drivers of Migration |
10/1/19 |
9/30/23 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2: Reconstructing Holocene Climate Change in the Southern Hemisphere from Southern Alps Mountain Glaciers and Tree Rings |
9/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
Atlantic Ocean
Aleutian - Alaska Workshop at Lamont for GeoPrisms Synthesis |
8/1/19 |
2/29/20 |
Pacific Ocean
RAPID: Examining How Access to Green Space Impacts Subjective Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
7/1/20 |
6/30/21 |
North America
P2C2: New Zealand Climate in Three Warm Periods |
7/15/19 |
6/30/21 |
Establishing Extraterrestrial 3He as a Plio-Pleistocene Constant Flux Proxy |
8/15/19 |
7/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Estuarine Metabolism and Gas Exchange Determined from Dissolved Oxygen Time Series: Method Development, Field Evaluation, and Application to Historical Data |
1/1/20 |
12/31/22 |
EarthCube Data Capabilities: Collaborative Proposal: Reducing Time-To-Science in the Earth Sciences: Annotations to Foster Convergence, Inclusion, and Credit |
9/15/19 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Exploring the Linkages between Sea-Level Change, Sediment Transport and Geomorphology on Coastal Freshwater Water Sequestration |
7/15/19 |
6/30/21 |
North America
Sampling Peculiarity of Sea Surface Temperature Data Sets from Drifting Buoys due to the Lagrangian Nature of Observing Platforms |
9/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Vertical Gradients in Southern Ocean Radiocarbon Across the Major Climate Transitions of the Last 30,000 Years |
9/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
Southern Ocean
Collaborative Research: Optimization of the Multibeam Sonar Systems of the U.S. Academic Fleet through Coordinated System Testing, Tool Development, and Community Outreach |
7/1/19 |
6/30/24 |
North America
Marine Geoscience Data System 2020: Optimizing Established Data Infrastructure for the Future |
11/1/19 |
10/31/22 |
GeoPRISMS Data Legacy Workshop: New York, NY - Spring 2020 |
12/1/19 |
11/30/20 |
North America
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Hydroclimatic Response of El Nino-Southern Oscillation to Natural and Anthropogenic Radiative Forcing |
8/15/19 |
7/31/21 |
Collaborative Research: Ocean Transport and Eddy Energy |
9/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Reconstructing Atmospheric 14C across the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone Using Tropical Tree Rings from South America and Central Africa |
7/15/19 |
6/30/22 |
South America
R2R Data Management Services for the Academic Fleet: 2020-2024 |
12/1/19 |
11/30/24 |
Supporting Antarctic Research with Ongoing Operations and Development of the USAP-DC Project Catalog and Data Repository |
12/1/19 |
11/30/22 |
P2C2: Towards a Precipitation History of Easter Island Since the Last Glacial Period |
9/1/19 |
8/31/21 |
EAGER: Spatio-temporal Variability of Microplastics in Ocean and River Cores using Fluorescence Microscopy |
4/15/20 |
3/31/21 |
North America
Collaborative Research: A Flexible Framework for Radiation Parameterizations Traceable to Benchmarks |
3/1/20 |
2/28/23 |
Testing an Arc Volcanism - Climate Link in a High-Latitude Plio-Pleistocene Marine Tephra Archive at ODP Site 882 (Northwest Pacific) |
3/15/20 |
2/28/23 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: Defining the Role of the Pan Genome in Emiliania Huxleyi Ecology and Biogeography |
3/15/20 |
2/28/23 |
Understanding Firn Rheology Through Laboratory Compaction Experiments and Radar Data |
4/1/20 |
3/31/23 |
Collaborative Research: Incoming Plate and Forearc Structure of the Semidi and SW Kodiak Segments offshore Alaska Peninsula from 3-D Active-source and Local Earthquake Tomography |
4/1/20 |
3/31/23 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Dynamic and Thermodynamic Mechanisms of Heat Extremes in the Northern Hemisphere |
4/1/20 |
3/31/23 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Multi-Century Perspectives on Current and Future Flow in the Lower Missouri River Basin |
7/1/20 |
6/30/23 |
North America
Community Facility Support: The Global CMT Project |
3/1/20 |
2/28/23 |
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Insights Into Tropical Pacific Climate From Paleoproxy Data Assimilation Into an Intermediate Complexity Dynamical Model |
6/1/20 |
5/31/23 |
Pacific Ocean
Forced Precipitation Response in a Single Column Model with Parameterized Dynamics |
3/1/20 |
2/28/23 |
Collaborative Research: Interhemispheric and Zonal Asymmetries of the ITCZ |
2/1/20 |
1/31/23 |
CAREER: Developing Novel Biomarker Proxies to Constrain Neogene Changes in African Woody Cover and Paleoecological Contexts of Hominin Evolution |
4/1/20 |
6/30/21 |
Collaborative Research: Forced Drivers of Trends in Ocean Biogeochemistry: Volcanos and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide |
3/1/20 |
2/28/23 |
RAPID - Assessing the Response of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge Ecosystem to an Indian Ocean Dipole Event |
3/1/20 |
2/28/23 |
Indian Ocean
Collaborative Research: P2C2 - Synthesizing Asian Monsoon Hydroclimate and Indo-Pacific Variability on Seasonal to Multi-Decadal Timescales Using Tree-Rings and Coupled Climate Models |
5/1/20 |
4/30/23 |
Ocean Temperatures Through Early Cenozoic Climate Maxima Across a Latitudinal Transect from the North to the South Pacific - A Multi-Proxy In Situ Approach |
6/1/20 |
5/31/23 |
Pacific Ocean
Collaborative Research: EarthChem & SESAR - Data Infrastructure for Geochemistry and Earth Science Samples Communities |
5/15/20 |
4/30/24 |
GreenDrill: The response of the northern Greenland Ice Sheet to Arctic Warmth - Direct constraints from sub-ice bedrock |
10/1/20 |
9/30/24 |
North America
Eco-social interactions influencing human exposure to ticks and the Lyme disease agent in anthropogenic landscapes |
9/1/19 |
2/28/23 |
North America
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Rapid Production of Geospatial Network Inputs for Spatially Explicit Epidemiologic Modeling of COVID-19 in the USA |
6/1/20 |
5/31/21 |
North America
NSFGEO-NERC: Adjoint Tomography of Mantle Viscosity using Deglacial Sea Level Observations |
6/15/20 |
5/31/22 |
What Controls the CO2/SO2 Ratio in Arc Volcanic Gas? |
9/1/20 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Caldera Dynamics and Eruption Cycles at Axial Seamount |
7/15/20 |
6/30/23 |
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Early Career Coring Principal Investigator Training Cruise |
7/15/20 |
6/30/22 |
Collaborative Research: Network Hub: Enabling, Supporting, and Communicating Critical Zone Research |
9/1/20 |
8/31/25 |
CSEDI Collaborative Research: Understanding what we see in the lower mantle - mineral physics interpretation of seismic tomographic images |
7/15/20 |
6/30/23 |
Collaborative Research: AccelNet: Clean Air Monitoring and Solutions Network (CAMS-Net) |
1/1/21 |
12/31/25 |
Supporting Marine Geoscience Research with Ongoing Growth of the Global Multi-Resolution Topography Synthesis and Maintenance of GeoMapApp |
9/1/19 |
8/31/22 |
Collaborative Research: Uncovering the Ross Ocean and Ice Shelf Environment and Tectonic setting Through Aerogeophysical Surveys and Modeling (ROSETTA-ICE) |
9/9/16 |
8/31/19 |
REU Site: Beyond Basic Science – Connecting Climate to Communities |
4/1/21 |
3/31/24 |
North America
Collaborative Research: Global Agricultural Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Climate Intervention |
4/1/21 |
9/30/22 |
Center for Learning the Earth with Artificial Intelligence and Physics (LEAP) |
10/1/21 |
9/30/26 |
RAPID: Assessing the Response of the Seychelles-Chagos Thermocline Ridge Ecosystem to an Indian Ocean Dipole Event |
3/1/20 |
2/1/23 |
Indian Ocean
Collaborative Research: NNA Research: Rapid Arctic change and its implications for fisheries and fishing communities of the western North Atlantic |
1/1/23 |
12/1/23 |
North America
Implementing Novel Solutions for Promoting Cultural Change In Geoscience Research & Education (INSPIRE) |
11/1/22 |
10/31/27 |