Integrating Seasonal and Sub-Seasonal Climate Information into Public Health Contexts: Co-Producing Decision Support Applications in Puerto Rico and Dominica |
9/1/18 |
8/31/20 |
North America
Lunar Impact Melt Flows: Geological Mapping, Experimental Simulation, and Numerical Modeling |
10/1/15 |
9/30/19 |
Advancing Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) as an Independent Atmospheric Tracer for Global Photosynthesis through Quantification of Microbial-Mediated Sources and Sinks in Soils |
1/15/21 |
12/31/21 |
Mapping Flood Impacts using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data Fusion in Urban Areas |
8/1/21 |
6/14/24 |
North America