Air Capture of CO2: Technological and economic feasibility study of various end-to-end process alternatives

Lead PI: Dr. Christoph Johannes Meinrenken , , Klaus Lackner

Unit Affiliation: Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy (LCSE)

January 2013 - May 2014
Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Air Capture of CO2:
Technological and economic feasibility study of various end-to-end process alternatives

OUTCOMES: The proposed work will yield three main deliverables: (1) Feasibility metrics (energy and water consumption, geographic and carbon footprint, cost and scalability) as function of above design alternatives and identification of inherent tradeoffs that are crucial to subsequent implementation. (2) Engineering drawings and detailed process diagrams for the 2-4 identified most promising design options, complete with mass & energy flow characteristics, geographic and carbon footprint, basic material and constructions requirements and estimated costs (3) Model evaluations, including spreadsheets, C, C++, Python programs and outputs