Inter-Disciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA)

Lead PI: Dr. Suzanne M. Carbotte

Unit Affiliation: Marine and Polar Geophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

January 2016 - June 2017
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Ensuring that the results and data related to taxpayer-funded research are accessible and discoverable to both the scientific and lay public is an essential function of the National Science Foundation. In an effort to provide such services for data in the solid earth geosciences, several NSF programs jointly funded the Integrated Earth Data Applications Data Management Center at Columbia University. Since 2009, this data center has become an important geoscience community resource and a leader in hosting, making accessible, and making discoverable data from marine geophysics, igneous petrology and volcanology, hydrothermal vents, the Antarctic, and a variety of other solid earth geoscience disciplines. It is also an international leader in creating, testing, and implementing tools, utilities, and interfaces to make its data more easily accessible and discoverable; providing unique identifiers for physical samples and datasets so those who produce data get credit for their work; making accessible and linking its data to that in other data centers; working with publishers to link repository data to publications; and helping investigators applying for Federal funds create agency-compliant data management plans. Continued support in 2016 allows the data center to continue these and associated services. Broader impacts include free and open access to a wide range of data holdings, enabling advances solid-earth and polar geoscience research. The data center's utilities, services, and data are also used in a wide variety of educational enterprises whose impacts range from high school to graduate school and beyond. Through its proactive and community-focused approach, the data center has also helped to create innovative solutions for data interoperability, building essential new cyberinfrastructure that can be adopted and transported to other data centers. Continued funding for the Integrated Earth Data Applications data center, now renamed the Integrated Earth Data Alliance, enables free and open public access to data and research results from a wide variety of geoscience disciplines. It consists of a core of basic services and interfaces built around innovative data models and search/visualization tools into which datasets or information can be incorporated, integrated, and made publicly accessible. It supports data stewardship through the full data life cycle with long-term archives residing in the Federal sector. A key component of its operation is close attention to and interaction with members of the scientific communities it serves thorough workshops; a community advisory structure; and professional science meetings. These interactions help identify new development targets and gaps and/or needed improvement in data center products and performance. In addition to its continued operation and the providing of cyberinfrastructure and data management services to the solid earth geoscience community, efforts are in force to move data holdings into the cloud to improve the user experience and decrease download and refresh times.


National Science Foundation (NSF)





HORSBURGH, J. S., AUFDENKAMPE, A. K., MAYORGA, E., LEHNERT, K. A., HSU, L., SONG, L., JONES, A. S., DAMIANO, S. G., TARBORTON, D. G., VALENTINE, D., ZASLAVSKY, I., WHITENACK, T.. "Observations Data Model 2: A community information model for spatially discrete Earth observations," Environmental Modelling & Software, v.79, 2016, p. 55. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.01.010

McNUTT, M., LEHNERT, K. A., HANSON, B., NOSEK, B., ELLISON, A.M., KING, J.L.. "Liberating field science samples and data," Science, v.351, 2016, p. 1024. doi:10.1126/science.aad7048


solid earth geoscience data access integrated earth data alliance polar geoscience cyberinfrastructure