Joint CCAFS-AGIMP Activities
- Lead PI: Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig
Unit Affiliation: Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR)
- April 2014 - March 2016
- Inactive
- Global ; New York City, NY ; West Africa
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: This project consisted of two very different objectives, partly motivated by the anticipated benefits of increasing collaboration between AgMIP and CCAFS teams working in West Africa. This brief summary of the work is followed by more detailed presentation of our methods and results for each component of the project.
OUTCOMES: 1) Evaluated ways to harmonize the CCAFS AgTrial database (being developed at CIAT) and the AgMIP database for sentinel site data being developed at the University of Florida. 2) Analyzed potential benefits of combining rainfall index insurance with intensive management practices relative to increasing productivity in West African farming systems and reducing risks to farmers who invest in intensification practices