Manganese-related Neurotoxicity in Asymptomatic Welders

Lead PI: Joseph Graziano

Unit Affiliation: Mailman School of Public Health

March 2017 - February 2022
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: While there is little doubt that high level manganese exposure may lead to neurodegenerative disorders, the link between lower level manganese exposure and neurodegeneration is unclear. By elucidating the most sensitive measurements (or markers) on the chain of events from manganese exposure to neurobehavioral consequences in asymptomatic welders, the proposed work shall move the field toward a biomarker(s)-guided understanding of manganese-related neurotoxicity, especially at lower levels that are more relevant to occupational and public health. It shall yield data that may have a direct impact on occupational health monitoring and practice, and guide future research on the public health relevance of manganese-related neurotoxicity.


Pennsylvania State University


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/NIH/DHHS


neuropsychological tests (npts) manganese (Mn) iron (fe) pallidal index (pi) biomarkers neurotoxicity welding diffusion tensor imaging (dti)