Master's of Science in Carbon Management program (MCM)

Lead PI: Peter Schlosser , Dr. Christoph Johannes Meinrenken , , Mary-Elena Carr

Unit Affiliation: Columbia Climate Center (CCC)

Unit Affiliation: Research Program on Sustainability Policy and Management (SPM)

May 2011 - June 2020
Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Project Type: Research Education

DESCRIPTION: To build a low-carbon economy will require a new workforce of professionals that understand the global linkages of their decisions and have a deep appreciation for the subtleties of sustainable development. The Carbon Management program is designed to meet this challenge. The Climate Center worked with faculty and researchers throughout Columbia to develop a new interdisciplinary master's degree program with curriculum drawing on engineering, ecology, decision science, business, and law and policy.

OUTCOMES: In FY13, the Master's in Carbon Management program (MCM) was approved by the Provost's Office and submitted to the University Senate for review. The primary outcome in FY11 was the completion of the curriculum for a new MCM prgram, including the creation of five new courses: Introduction to Carbon Management; Carbon Management and Decision Making; Land Use and Carbon Management; Introduction to Environmental Law; and Consumption and Efficiency. Planning and invitations were also in place for an international workshop on Carbon Management Education and Practice that was held in the fall of 2011. The primary outcome in FY12 was the EI Faculty, Earth and Environmental Engineering, and SEAS approvals of the program as well as COI approval of all new courses within relevant schools. CCC hosted an international conference, “Carbon Management: Education & Practice,” in November 2011 with keynote address by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Chair Ranjendra Pachauri. This project has been extended throughout FY14.


KGH Nature gGmbH




Klaus Lackner, Elke Weber, Sabine Marx, Michael Gerrard, Ruth DeFries, Alissa Park


Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy (LCSE), Center for Research on Environmental Decisions (CRED), Center for Climate Change Law (CCCL), Columbia University Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering


education energy master's program carbon management


Decarbonizing the Planet