Model Districts in India: Request for 3 Additional Districts
- Lead PI: Dr. Nirupam Bajpai , Yanis Ben Amor
Unit Affiliation: Center for Sustainable Development (CSD)
- July 2011 - June 2016
- Inactive
- Asia ; India
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: The Model Districts project launched 5 districts as regional pilots for scaling up innovations and quality improvements targeting overall health systems-strengthening across rural India It aims to demonstrate the required interventions to narrow the gaps in 5 regionally representative districts by targeting interventions and public health spending at the intersection of 6 areas of health systems strengthening (infrastructure, data management, governance, financing, supply chain management, and frontline health worker capacity) and 5 areas along the continuum of care for mothers and children (antenatal care, safe delivery, immediate postnatal care, early childhood development and nutrition, and routine and sick child care).
OUTCOMES: Comprehensive, high‐quality antenatal care available at village and household level for women in rural areas, through targeted follow‐up using mother‐child tracking systems, availability of job aids and mobile phone‐based learning tools for health workers, improved training for frontline health workers, targeted, demand‐side financing and use of untied funds, improved planning for village health and nutrition days, and technological solutions for real‐time reporting on supply stocks and equipment requirements.