Monitoring and Evaluation in the Millennium Villages Project, Subaward with Millenium Promise and Soros

Lead PI: Maria Muniz

Unit Affiliation: Center for Sustainable Development (CSD)

January 2011 - June 2014
Africa ; Sub-Saharan Africa ; Millennium Villages
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: The second phase of the Millennium Villages Project will continue rigorous measurement and evaluation and therefore requires a core team that conducts scientific assessments using multiple research methods, including comparison villages, detailed surveys, laboratory work, and operation of information systems.

OUTCOMES: 2011-2013: Expected quarterly performance monitoring of dozens of MDG-relevant indicators; the creation of a monitoring tool that can be used for general MDG scaling up; development of several process evaluation modules to examine various issues of local systems design and effectiveness; examination of several natural experiments such as how the elimination of user fees at a particular primary health care facility affects health service utilization and access to vital interventions; detailed impact assessments that draw upon socio-economic, health, biological and anthropometric surveys within the villages alongside biophysical data on crop yields; and scientific publications of the Earth Institute to ensure the ongoing project innovations and lessons are rigorously captured to inform scaling up.


Millennium Promise Alliance


Foundation, Open Society Institute




MDG Center for East and Southern Africa


poverty information systems survey millennium development goals monitoring and evaluation laboratory work