Next Generation Analytics: A roadmap for the global agriculture and climate modeling community
- Lead PI: Carolyn Mutter
Unit Affiliation: Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR)
- September 2016 - July 2017
- Inactive
- Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: The project supported the development of a Report with a Roadmap for Next Generation (NextGen) agricultural models, data, and tools to support BMGF Objective 6. To increase the reliability, accessibility, cost-effectiveness and utilization of data and analytics aimed at enhancing the productivity, incomes, and nutrition of smallholders as well as the empowerment of women and girls. It is intended to provide a road map for the prioritized development of NextGen agricultural models, data, and tools that enable enhanced analytic risk management in the agricultural sector. The Roadmap is intended to help agricultural models meet their short- and long-term potential (2-10 year horizons) as a basis for decision-support applications and information systems for a number of stakeholders (farmers, water resource managers, crop breeders, agricultural ministries, development agencies, private-sector value chains, etc.) seeking more sustainable, resilient, and productive agricultural systems.
OUTCOMES: The report built on the results put forward in the Special Issue of Agricultural Systems V. 155 (2017), putting forward an integrated Roadmap that AgMIP believes could result in accelerated development of NextGen agricultural models, data and tools for enhanced analytic risk management in the agricultural sector to improve food and nutrition security at national and global scales. New data and analytics made possible by this Roadmap include: nutrition composition and metrics embedded in global and regional food system models; agent-based models for national and global-scale responses to shocks; incorporation of shocks into global food trade models; and, development of national-level trade-off analysis models.