Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE): Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Human Wellbeing: Responses to Millennium Village Interventions
- Lead PI: Cheryl Palm
Unit Affiliation: Agriculture & Food Security Center
- September 2010 - August 2016
- Inactive
- Africa ; Sub-Saharan Africa ; Kenya ; Uganda ; Tanzania
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: Cross-cutting natural and social science partnership between Brown University, Columbia University, the Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Moi University in Kenya and Sokoine University. The project will examine how agricultural interventions designed to increase crop yields in African Millennium Villages influence land-use patterns and the degradation or enhancement of soils, biodiversity and other ecosystem services and human wellbeing at both local and regional scales.
OUTCOMES: Enhanced understanding of the patterns, causes and consequences of land-cover and land-use change now taking place in two of the Earth’s most important frontiers between natural ecosystems and advancing intensive human land use: the East African nations of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Other outcomes include collaborations between scientists and mentoring for students, postdoctoral associates, and junior faculty.