Population-Environment Research Network (PERN)
- Lead PI: Dr. Alexander de Sherbinin , Dr. Susana Beatriz Adamo
Unit Affiliation: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
- January 2001 - Ongoing
- Active
- Global
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: PERN's mission is to facilitate scientific analysis and dialogue about population-environment relationships. It is an Internet-based network that is open and free to all who are interested in population-environment research. PERN's activities include the collection and annotation of relevant web-links, recent publications, and syllabi in an online database, hosting cyberseminars, and the provision of information on meetings, grant and job opportunities and member research.
OUTCOMES: PERN Cyber-seminars, publications, e-library, network: https://www.populationenvironmentresearch.org/