Probing the Roots of Active Volcanic Systems with Spectral Ambient Noise Tomography and Receiver Functions

Lead PI: Geoffrey Abers , Joshua A Calkins

Unit Affiliation: Seismology, Geology and Tectonophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

August 2010 - July 2014
North America
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Models of crustal growth will be tested and deep plumbing of active volcanoes will be monitored through the application of new seismic imaging tools. Analysis will build on receiver function analysis techniques. This will provide V and Vp data.

OUTCOMES: Found remarkably uniform crust thickness in the Aleutians, and some disagreement between Vp/V ratios. Found strong returns from 3-4 stations surrounding Akutan Island which likely represents a magma chamber of crystal mush zone. Found that sampling geometries coupled with rock fabrics in peridotites cause anisotropy to masquerade as low Vp/V ratios which suggests that Vp/V may provide an additional constraint with anisotropy in inferring mineralogy. One journal publication.


National Science Foundation (NSF)





Hacker, B.R. and G.A. Abers. "Unusually low Poisson's ratios in subduction zones from elastic anisotropy of peridotite," Journal of geophysical research, v.117, 2012, p. B06308.

Hacker, B.R. Abers, G.A.. "Subduction Factory 5: Unusually low Poisson's ratios in subduction zones from elastic anisotropy of peridotite.," J. Geophys. Res., v.117, 2012, p. B06308.

Janiszewski, H. Abers, G.A. Shillington, D. Calkins, J.. "Variations in crustal thickness and structure along the Aleutian volcanic arc from receiver functions," Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst, v.14, 2013, p. 2977-2992. doi:doi:10.1002/ggge20211


volcanic arc crustral growth seismic imaging continental crust mantle melts volcanoes tectonics geochemistry


Earth fundamentals