Response of high-latitude forests to a warmer and CO2-enriched atmosphere: tree rings in a process-based model

Lead PI: Laia Andreu-Hayles , Dr. Rosanne D'Arrigo , Robert Field

Unit Affiliation: Biology and Paleo Environment, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

June 2015 - December 2020
Arctic ; North America
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Temperatures in Arctic and subarctic North America have been rising in recent years and are projected to continue to rise. Furthermore, atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing around the globe. This project will evaluate the response of white spruce to these ongoing changes. It will use archived samples from ten sites, standard tree-ring methodologies supplemented by novel chemical analyses, and numerical models to understand tree growth response to changing environmental drivers.

The project will advance the use of tree-ring data in understanding forest growth responses to natural and anthropogenic forcings. This project represents an interdisciplinary opportunity to combine three distinct disciplines: (1) basic dendrochronological techniques, which allow for precisely-dated, quantitative and verifiable long-term tree-ring records; (2) low temperature geochemical tools to measure carbon and oxygen stable isotopes ratios that will independently reflect environmental variables including temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and long-term physiological information on water use efficiency in natural forests; and (3) the joint use of a process-based mechanistic model, MAIDENiso, to distinguish between the confounding effects of increases in temperatures and atmospheric CO2 and to predict boreal forest response under different scenarios, and the NASA GISS ModelE2 general circulation model to provide inputs to MAIDENiso.


National Science Foundation (NSF)





Wilson, R., D'Arrigo, R., Andreu-Hayles, L., Oelkers, R., Wiles, G., Anchukaitis, K. & Davi, N.. "Experiments based on blue intensity for reconstructing North Pacific temperatures along the Gulf of Alaska," Clim. Past, v.13, 2017, p. 1007-1022.

Levesque, M., Andreu-Hayles, L., Pederson, N. "Water availability drives gas exchange and growth of trees in northeastern US, not elevated CO2 and reduced acid deposition," Scientific Reports, 2017, p. 46158.

Levesque, M., Andreu-Hayles, L. & Pederson, N. "Water availability drives gas exchange and growth of trees in northeastern US, not elevated CO2 and reduced acid deposition.," Scientific Report, v.7, 2017, p. 46158.


latewood density timber industry stable carbon tree rings oxygen isotopes rising temperatures dendroclimatology education atmospheric carbon dioxide


Modeling and Adapting to Future Climate