Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment 2015

Lead PI: Dr. Sean Higgins , Dr. David S. Goldberg

Unit Affiliation: Office of Marine Operations, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

June 2015 - August 2016
Project Type: Facilities & Operations

DESCRIPTION: A request is made to fund additional and back-up equipment on the R/V Marcus Langseth, a 235? Global seismic vessel with general oceanographic capabilities. The vessel is owned by NSF and operated by Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University under a cooperative agreement. The Langseth is different than other vessels in the Academic Fleet in that it is a designated National Facility. It provides a unique combination of capabilities for imaging the oceans, the seafloor and the solid earth beneath the sea. It is the only vessel in the word dedicated to academic research that is capable of conducting 3D seismic surveys as well as extended offset 2D surveys. The tuned, linear source array, consisting of up to 36 air-guns, with a total capacity of 6,600 cu in is also unique asset of this vessel.  In 2014, R/V Langseth completed 139 days, 114 (82%) of which were NSF funded. In 2015, the schedule shows 228 days, 73% (167 days) of which are NSF funded. Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment requested in this proposal includes: (1) Automatic voltage regulators $49,071, (2) Inmarsat C Felcom 18 $11,913, (3) Simrad GC-80 $33,667, (4) Power Synchronizing Module $44,175, (5) Phased Bridge Modifications $91,440, (6) Overhaul and upgrade of Dynacon Traction Winch $372,500. Broader impacts: The principal impact of the present proposal is under Merit Review Criterion 2 of the Proposal Guidelines (NSF 13-589). It provides infrastructure support for scientists to use the vessel and its shared-use instrumentation in support of their NSF-funded oceanographic research projects (which individually undergo separate review by the relevant research program of NSF). The acquisition, maintenance and operation of shared-use instrumentation allows NSF-funded researchers from any US university or lab access to working, calibrated instruments for their research, reducing the cost of that research, and expanding the base of potential researchers.