Source attribution using satelite products and models to inform air quality planning and health accountability
- Lead PI: Arlene H. Fiore
Unit Affiliation: Ocean and Climate Physics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
- August 2016 - August 2020
- Inactive
- North America ; United States
- Project Type: Research
We propose to combine satellite products, ground-based measurements and earth system models to:
• conduct a multi-pollutant health impact analysis for at least the past decade over New York State (NYS);
• attribute background versus U.S. anthropogenic sources that can be linked with health analyses on daily to inter-annual time scales;
• estimate uncertainties in satellite-based and modeling approaches to source attribution and to exposure mapping at multiple time and space scales.
OUTCOMES: Hosted NASA HAQAST3 meeting at LDEO; established collaborations with several state, local & regional air and health agencies including leading 2 cross-team "Tiger Teams": (1) Supporting the use of satellite data in State Implementation planning (see ) & Supporting the use of satellite data in regional haze planning; see also pubs