Strategic Community Partnerships, Philanthropy, and Nongovernmental Organizations

Lead PI: David Maurrasse

Unit Affiliation: The Earth Institute

November 2018 - November 2019
North America ; United States
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: The frame of this research includes a case study approach to understanding how various types of philanthropic institutions (i.e. private foundations, family foundations, community foundations) are developing methods to incorporate community voices into priority setting across the U.S. and in other countries. Upon the completion of research for this book project, new investigation will commence toward the development of the next book project in line, which is entitled, Strategic Community Partnerships, Philanthropy, and Nongovernmental Organizations. This book will address the role of foundations and various types of nongovernmental organizations in community-based collaborative initiatives designed to improve conditions in localities. This publication will also include a case study-based methodology.


New World Foundation






Sustainable living