Sustainable Land Use and Transportation Planning for Rapidly Growing Cities

Lead PI: Dr. Elliott David Sclar

Unit Affiliation: Center for Sustainable Urban Development (CSUD)

January 2005 - June 2013
Africa ; Sub-Saharan Africa ; Nairobi ; Kenya
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Researchers work in close collaboration with local academic partners to ensure that the tools of research and education are both available and accessible to community members, enabling them to address the challenges of rapid urbanization facing their communities.

OUTCOMES: 2006: Researchers partnered with other academic departments across Columbia to hold a planning studio and workshop in Ruiru to gather information for a planning process with the local municipality. 2007: The team worked directly with the Ruiru municipality using a multi-sector planning approach to create the “Ruiru Local Physical Development Plan: 2005-2020.” 2008: The team worked on the creation of GIS maps of the Nairobi core area to support transport research. 2010: The Center hosted the 2010 VREF Centre of Excellence Workshop in Nairobi in December 2010. The workshop provided the Center, its local partners and local stakeholders with an important opportunity to contextualize the pressing land-use and transportation challenges Nairobi faces as well as articulate approaches to addressing them to VREF, representatives from Centres of Excellence around the world, and other key participants, including the local media.


Volvo Research & Educational Foundation




Jaqueline Klopp, Patrick Kinney, Steven Chillrud, Michael Gatari, Peter Ngau, Eric Aligul, Sarah Williams


Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)


University of Nairobi, Kenya Instiitute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, Kenyatta University, Kenya Alliance of Residents Associations


education land use infrastructure urbanization transportation planning urban development