UCCRN Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) (2018)

Lead PI: Dr. Cynthia Rosenzweig

Unit Affiliation: Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR)

August 2014 - August 2017
Global ; New York City, NY
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: The ARC3 report series represents an effort by over 400 authors from cities in developed and developing countries around the world. The reports are the first ever global, interdisciplinary, cross-regional, science-based assessments to address climate risks, adaptation, mitigation, and policy mechanisms relevant to cities. The Second Assessment Report (ARC3.2), published in early 2018, presents downscaled climate projections and catalogues urban disasters and risks, along with the effects on human health in cities. ARC3.2 gives concrete solutions for cities in regard to mitigation and adaptation; urban planning and design; equity and environmental justice; economics, finance, and the private sector; critical urban physical and social sectors such as energy, water, transportation, housing and informal settlements, and solid waste management; and governing carbon and climate in cities. Other key topics include ecosystems and biodiversity, and urban coastal zones.

The Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) is dedicated to providing the information that city leaders–from government, the private sector, non-governmental organizations, and the community—need in order to assess current and future risks, make choices that enhance resilience to climate change and climate extremes, and take actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

OUTCOMES: Utilizing these funds, CCSR representatives were able to attend multiple international conferences such as Habitat III in Quito, COP21 in Paris, the World Urban Forum in Medellin and Naples, the ICLEI Resilient Cities Congress in Bonn, etc. to conduct scoping sessions and present findings of the ARC3.2 report series.

In addition, 6-7 participants from Latin America, Asia, and Africa were able to participate in the UCCRN Second Assessment Report on Climate Change and Cities (ARC3.2) Authors Kickoff and Midterm Workshops in New York and London.