Urban Agriculture Research in New York City: Green Infrastructure Planning and Metrics

Lead PI: Professor Richard A. Plunz

Unit Affiliation: Urban Design Lab (UDL)

July 2012 - March 2014
North America ; New York City, NY ; New York
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: From 7/1/12 through 6/30/13 work conducted on this project has been conducted under the headings of two primary tasks: 1) Stormwater quantity and quality monitoring on the Brooklyn Grange Rooftop, and 2) Identification of Challenges and Barriers to Rooftop Food Production in New York City.

OUTCOMES: Outcomes include assessing areas of vulnerability and opportunities for foodshed enhancement; determining regional food production capacity and the region’s potential degree of self-sufficiency; developing rigorous, quantitative data sets that can be used to justify policy interventions to protect and enhance the foodshed, and increasing access to affordable, healthful food in all New York neighborhoods. The initiative uses GIS, other geospatial data, and existing sources of consumption data to analyze and quantify existing food production in the New York City region, potential production capacity and regional food needs that could be met within the New York City region, comparison between existing and potential production, and steps to narrow the gap between existing and potential production.


Duke (Doris) Charitable Foundation




Kubi Ackerman, Michael Conard, Leigh Wittinghill, Maria Paola Sutto


School of Engineering and Applied Sciences




rooftop food production stormwater food ecology and nutrition green infrastructure food security