Mapping for Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Lead PI: Paola Kim-Blanco

Unit Affiliation: Center for Integrated Earth System Information (CIESIN)

December 2019 - November 2022
Africa ; Democratic Republic of the Congo
Project Type: Research


Supported by Gavi through its INFUSE initiative, Mapping for Health in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was a ministry of health initiative delivered in partnership with Flowminder Foundation and the Center for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University (CIESIN). It was a continuation of previous work conducted and/or supported in the DRC by CIESIN. 

Mapping for Health’s primary aims were to bolster routine immunization through the generation of core spatial data, support geo-enabled microplanning, generate mobility data that would support regular updating of resources needed for routine childhood immunization nationwide, enable health planners to strengthen their geospatial analytical skills, and improve the gender equity of routine childhood immunization and vaccination intervention planning.