West Africa Region: Seamless Operational Forecast Systems and Technical Assistance for Capacity Building (CREWS-West Africa)

Lead PI: Dr. Andrew Robertson

Unit Affiliation: International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI)

January 2020 - June 2021
Africa ; West Africa
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: The review will include a desk review of recently-conducted surveys by GFCS and IRI of West African national met services, as they pertain to subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasting capabilities.

The template would include ongoing initiatives related to forecasting climate indices (e.g. number of dry days, dry spells, wet spells, rainy season onset and cessation dates, heat waves): (i) on subseasonal time scale, between about a week and several weeks ahead; (ii) on seasonal time scale, up to a season ahead.

The sub-activities are as follows:
a. Develop the template based on existing examples and invite feedback from WMO and later from partners
b. Invite partners to contribute to the survey by email
c. Organize guided interviews with relevant partners to ensure consistent collection of information
d. Consolidate responses, write draft report, and circulate to partners by email for feedback
e. Incorporate feedback and finalize the report.