Ground-Truthing in Mauritius
- Lead PI: Professor Peter Coleman
Unit Affiliation: Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity (AC4)
- August 2019 - Ongoing
- Active
- Africa ; Mauritius
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: To learn from the wisdom of societies that have sustained peace for generations, and from the experiences of those working to build peace and transition from violence, the Sustaining Peace project has worked to engage communities in creating, refining, and modeling scholarly understandings of peace. This initiative explores what it takes to sustain peace in societies through the experiences of a wide swath of community peace experts – including teachers and students, artists and laborers, nurses and prisoners, mothers and mayors – from societies around the globe.
OUTCOMES: Reports geared towards local stakeholders; Video series of local stories of peace; Academic article that highlights Mauritius as a case study of a peaceful society