Urban Violence Prevention

Lead PI: Beth Fisher-Yoshida

Unit Affiliation: Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity (AC4)

January 2017 - November 2017
South America ; Medellin, Colombia
Project Type: Research Outreach

DESCRIPTION: The Urban Violence Prevention project is designed to strengthen the capacity for promotion of peace and harmony in cities where lives of youth are disrupted by violence. The focus of the project is to provide practical support and advice to young community leaders who serve as agents of change. The project started in the cities of Medellin, Colombia and Newark, New Jersey with the aim of expanding to other cities.

OUTCOMES: The Urban Violence Prevention project is designed to strengthen the capacity for promotion of peace and harmony in cities where lives of youth are disrupted by violence. The focus of the project is to provide practical support and advice to young community leaders who serve as agents of change. The project started in the cities of Medellin, Colombia and Newark, New Jersey with the aim of expanding to other cities.


Dr. Aldo Civico, Joan Lopez


Fisher-Yoshida, B., Civico, A., Lopez, J. (2017). Youth leaders and the arts: From conflict to strategic community building. Journal Peace Education and Social Justice, 11(2), 133-151.

Fisher-Yoshida, B., and Lopez, J. (2020). Transforming conflict narratives. In Journal of Transformative Education, Special Edition, Fall 2020. In press.

A contribution to the Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security mandated by SecurityCouncil Resolution 2250 (2015): Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security: Medellín Case Study Beth Fisher-Yoshida and Joan C. Lopez.  


conflict youth urban security


Sustainable living