Planning Support for Reed Expo

Lead PI: Jeffrey Schlegelmilch

Unit Affiliation: National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP)

July 2020 - December 2020
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Public health and emergency preparedness technical advice and specified deliverables (see below) in support of Reed Exhibition’s (RX) global response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Project Deliverables are:
• Domestic public health and healthcare system risk assessment (reflective of WHO’s May-20 recommendations on ‘mass gatherings’ insofar as they relate to the exhibitions industry) including domestic, regional and local (public health) restrictions and (community-based) control measures e.g. COVID-19 testing, in-bound screening, quarantining, contact screening etc. and local risk appetite affecting RX’s own ‘in-show’ control measures.

• COVID-19 technical epidemiology and emergency preparedness advice and guidance – aimed at securing reasonably practicable, fit-for-purpose, sustainable and cost effective controls and precautionary measures including (but not limited to) an initial assessment of:
- Current and ‘pipelined’ global COVID-19 immunity / anti-body and infection / antigen ‘on-the-spot’ and laboratory-based tests / testing capabilities.
- Sterilising solutions for ‘give-away’ promotional goods and materials (inc. paper-based products) as well as the risk associated with surface-to-person transmission.
- The viability of COVID-19 in commercial air-conditioning systems and the risks that presents to trade exhibition attendees.
- Demographic and gender susceptibility to COVID-19.
- The relative merits of scientific / SME advice and guidance to do with ambient temperature controls in exhibition venues.

• An editorial review of RX’s generic ‘COVID-19 Management Plan’ template.

• Compilation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in support of the global (communicable disease) risk assessment (process) and COVID-19 Management Plan (template) focusing on (to start with):
- hygiene controls/precautionary measures
- medical controls/precautionary measures