Boosting Agriculture Risk Mitigation in Bangladesh through Index Insurance for Smallholders
- Lead PI: Dr. Daniel Edward Osgood
Unit Affiliation: International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI)
- October 2020 - September 2022
- Inactive
- Asia ; Bangladesh
- Project Type: Research Facilities & Operations
IRI would lead the development and application of a co-design process based on science and the project stakeholders/beneficiaries, which would result in co-designed, transparent, insurance products and informed participants. This activity would inform the structure of the resilienceengine, and integrate with the capacity building processes.
Product Development
o Adaptation of Data Collection Applications
o Country Level Agro Ecological Zoning and development of crop insurance units
o Additional InDevelop and apply co-design process, training patents to design insurance products, resulting in insurance products resulting in additional indices (new regions)
o Apply co-design improvement processes, training partners on iterative index improvement, resulting in updated insurance products resulting in new index products
o Providing inputs for Resilience Engine for co-design