Refined Integration of Remote Sensing with Biological Parameters for Improved Management of LIS Water Quality/Long Island Sound Study 2018-2022
- Lead PI: Dr. Joaquim I Goes , Helga do Rosario Gomes, Jinghui Wu , Maria Tzortziou
Unit Affiliation: Biology and Paleo Environment, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
- October 2020 - September 2021
- Inactive
- North America
- Project Type: Research Outreach
The goals of this project funded by NY Sea Grant are to
1. To integrate enhanced remote sensing products with results from controlled laboratory experiments and new and ongoing observation programs, to test two explicit hypotheses that address the role of summertime acidification, dissolved oxygen (DO), and nutrient conditions as drivers of late summer-fall HAB dynamics (i.e., timing, extent, types, intensity) in Long Island Sound (LIS).
2. To improve understanding of the impacts of key human induced and climate change stressors, i.e. eutrophication, acidification, and hypoxia, on LIS water quality and ecological health.
3. To co-produce satellite data products relevant to water quality and HAB outbreaks that support equitable and inclusive access to near real-time actionable information for resource management.
4. To strengthen monitoring of conditions across the LIS system and its nearshore waters and integrate the resulting data and assessments into NOAA’s CoastWatch Program for open, free, easy, and wide distribution of information as needed for inclusive management of LIS resources.
5. To integrate remote sensing retrievals of LIS environmental conditions, water quality, and biogeochemical state into decisions by state resource managers on early harvesting or closure of aquaculture and shellfisheries operations, as well as water quality targets and development of appropriate TMDLs.