Ecological and sociodemographic determinants and impacts of urbanization and restoration on intertwined urban-wetland-estuarine systems

Lead PI: Dr. Joaquim I Goes , Helga do Rosario Gomes , Professor Maria Tzortziou

Unit Affiliation: Biology and Paleo Environment, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

July 2017 - July 2022
North America ; Atlantic Ocean
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: In this project we seek to quantify impacts of human-induced alterations in
wetland ecological characteristics and wetland-estuarine tidal exchanges on estuarine ecology,
specifically addressing estuarine water quality, organic matter cycling, plankton community
composition, and linking to development of hypoxic conditions, occurrence of bloom outbreaks


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)


Dr. Kyle McDonald City University of New York / NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Dr. Raleigh Hood, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Dr. Wen Long, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Dr. Deborah Balk CUNY Institute for Demographic Research, Dr. Bryan Jones CUNY Institute for Demographic Research, Dr. Dorothy Peteet, NASA GISS / LDEO, Columbia University


estuary ecosystem coastal adaptation long island sound climate and society climate change


Modeling and Adapting to Future Climate Stewardship of the planet Sustainable living