Climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction of Guwahati in the context of dynamic growth

Lead PI: Shiv Someshwar

Unit Affiliation: Center for Sustainable Development (CSD)

February 2013 - September 2015
Asia ; India ; Guwahati, Assam
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Develop contextualized climate adaptation solutions to enhance resiliency of Guwahati city to the impacts of climate extremes in order to assist decision makers at a variety of levels including state, metropolitan, city, and ward levels. Proposed strategies would engage decision-makers and stakeholders in a participatory process aimed at building capacities to manage climate and disaster risks.

OUTCOMES: * Identification of key features of local climate and its predictability at sub-regional spatial scales, on seasonal to multi-decadal timescales.
*Mapped dynamic and emergent vulnerabilities and risks to climate, and assessments of future risks based on past trends in the growth of Guwahati.
*Mapped key stakeholders/institutions, policies and urban development
strategies, identifying key decisions across timescales.
*Development of climate adaptation solutions with needed information tools for use of key stakeholders.
*Awareness enhanced and capacity of relevant stakeholders built.


Government of Assam, India




Kye Baroang


Sustainable Urbanism International (Bangalore, India); Indian Institute of Technology - Delhi (India)


climate and society building development urban risk management climate risk adaptation disaster risk management resilience


Modeling and Adapting to Future Climate