Climate Change, Disease and Human Capital Outcomes

Lead PI: Dr Belinda Archibong

Unit Affiliation: Barnard College, Economics

January 2017 - September 2020
; Benin ; Burkina Faso ; Cameroon ; Democratic Republic of the Congo ; Ethiopia ; Ghana ; Kenya ; Mali ; Niger ; Nigeria ; Senegal ; Togo ; Uganda
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: This project examines the impacts of climate induced disease, in particular meningitis epidemics in the African meningitis belt, on human capital outcomes and social inequality.

OUTCOMES: We examine human capital outcomes including education, health and gender inequality


Dr Francis Annan


Georgia State University


Archibong, B., & Annan, F., (2017). "Disease and Gender Gaps in Human Capital Investment: Evidence from Niger's 1986 Meningitis Epidemic." American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, 107(5): 530-35;

Archibong, B., & Annan, F. (2020). Climate Change, Disease and Gender Gaps in Human Capital Investment. In Women and Sustainable Human Development (pp. 15-35). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

DATASETS: Meningitis cases and epidemics from the WHO, Harmattan/dry season indicators in the African meningitis belt, human capital outcomes from DHS and World Bank data


education epidemics inequality health gender gap harmattan human capital meningitis climate change


Modeling and Adapting to Future Climate