Evaluation of Tropical Cloud-Radiation-Circulation Coupling in NASA GISS ModelE3 Using Observations and Reanalysis

Lead PI: Dr. Gregory V Cesana

Unit Affiliation: Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR)

Unit Affiliation: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)

August 2021 - August 2025
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Dr. Gregory V. Cesana (PI, 0.4 total FTE over the 4-year proposed project (0.1 FTE/year) is an expert on the use of CALIPSO observations and climate model evaluation. He also helps evaluating and tuning the latest version of the GISS GCM. He will work on activity 7 of the proposed research to provide and help evaluate GISS GCM outputs, including running the experiments and modifying the GCM code when needed. Finally, he will collaborate with Dr. Li in the writing of the related publications.