Development of Cloud Computing and Machine Learning Tools to Identify Combined Heat and Flood Exposure Worldwide
- Lead PI: Dr. Susana Beatriz Adamo , Greg Yetman , Carolynne Hultquist
Unit Affiliation: Center for Integrated Earth System Information (CIESIN)
- March 2022 - March 2023
- Inactive
- North America ; New York
- Project Type: Research Education
1. Project management
Overall project oversight will be provided by Dr. Carolynne Hultquist, a geographer with 10 years of research experience Assistance with project management will be provide by Dr. Susana Adamo, a demographer with more than 15 years of experience in complex research using spatial demographic and statistical skills
2. Map hazardous air quality and temperatures for NY school districts
District level methods development (Hultquist, Tuholske, Adamo) Data preparation for environmental characteristics (Squires - geospatial analysts and programmers) Construct school district level daily air quality and heat characteristics (Tuholske, Squires) Data preparation for socioeconomic variables (Squires - geospatial analysts and programmers, Adamo) Preparation of SEDAC product (Squires) Post-processing results to produce tables, charts and cartographic outputs (Squires) SEDAC product advisory (Yetman, Hultquist)
3. Pilot using student-led citizen science at NY school
Students trained to install stationary and use mobile air quality and temperature sensors (Hultquist) Students taught the fundamentals EO data collection and analysis for environmental monitoring (Hultquist and Yetman alongside school collaborators) Manage students collecting environmental variables at school (Hultquist and Squires alongside school collaborators) Report of student activities (Hultquist and Squires alongside school collaborators)
4. Assess student-led citizen science to monitor environmental variables
Compare EO data to student-led citizen science measurements in the community (Hultquist, Adamo, Yetman, Squires) Gauge the effectiveness of student-based citizen science approach to monitor hazards (Hultquist alongside teachers from schools) Write up findings in academic manuscripts and policy briefs (Hultquist, Tuholske, Adamo, Yetman, Squires alongside teachers from schools)