SERVIR West Africa Phase 2

Lead PI: Dr. Daniel Edward Osgood , Dr. Alexander de Sherbinin , Gregory Yetman

Unit Affiliation: International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI)

June 2023 - March 2027
North America ; United States
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Financial Instruments like Index Insurance (II) and Disaster Index Preparedness and Response (DIPRe) have been explored through PPPs for sustainable market-based solutions, to drive financial access to loans and quality agricultural inputs, climate change adaptation, food security, and humanitarian disaster response and preparedness. However, products struggle to operationally link EO and models with farmer experience on the ground, preventing adoption at scale. Prototype AI cloud platforms such as CROWDCORE have been designed to reconcile information from iterative, technology-based farmer crowdsourcing, remote sensing, models, and official datasets, helping effectively support Realtime Reconciliation for Immediate Action (RRIA). By plugging a new service area into an industrialization pipeline, SERVIR will help graduate such prototypes through feedback loops that collaboratively develop operational protocols, open science tools, materials, and capacity building, drawing from NOAA, NASA, FEWSNET and ESA products, and deliver SERVIR industrial strength services for existing markets in Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger, and for unlocking new ones elsewhere across West Africa.




U.S. Agency for International Development




Manuel Brahm, Lisette Braman, Rahel Diro, Robert Downs, John Furlow, Nitin Magima, Jane Mill, Max Mauerman, Souha Ouni, Yohana Tesfamarian-Tekeste, Cascade Tuholski, Jacquelyne Turner, Sri Vinayajamoorthy