A Day in the Life of the Hudson and Harbor 2021-2023 (extended 2024-2025)

Lead PI: Margie Turrin , Marisa Lynn Annunziato , Laurel Zaima-Sheehy

Unit Affiliation: Marine and Polar Geophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

June 2021 - December 2025
North America ; New York Harbor ; Hudson Valley ; New York ; United States
Project Type: Research


The Day i the Life of the Hudson and Harbor is coordinated by The Hudson River Estuary Program of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. Each fall, environmental education centers team with school classes along the Hudson River to create a day-in-the-life picture of the river. Centered on the estuary section, from the Troy Dam to New York Harbor, the event has expanded to encompass the full Hudson watershed.

The Day in the Life event began in 2003 with a modest 300 student participants and has grown until in our most recent events we involved over 5000 students and individual participants ~ 90 sites from the New York Bight up to the Adirondacks on the Hudson River, and into the Mohawk watershed, a major Hudson River tributary. During the event, each site gathers data on the Hudson and shares their results so we can examine the full Hudson as a system. Students gain a better understanding of this historic and vital Hudson estuary and the wider Hudson watershed as they build data, estuary and science literacy. Data, Lesson Plans, Resources...lots of resource materials are provided on the website. Schools and partners are invited to join us for their own dip in the Hudson River as part of our Day in the Life on the Hudson River! 

Be sure to check out the results page that includes our interactive database. 


New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission


New York State Department of Environmental Conservation




Sea Cao, Lulin Song, Ed Bohl


A DAY IN THE FIELD: A stepped model to developing data-savvy students
Margie Turrin
The Science Teacher, Vol. 82, No. 5, Big Data (Summer 2015), pp. 35-42 (8 pages)



hudson river estuary community curated data repositories data collection community involvement


Each year, students from elementary school through college partner with DEC and environmental educators to collect scientific data using hands-on field techniques to capture a snapshot of the river's ecology at more than 60 sites along the Hudson. Data collected by students provides insight into an ecosystem spanning 160 miles of the Hudson River and New York Harbor to be posted online. Participating classes represent the diversity of New York's urban and rural school communities along the estuary. This project is supported by the NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program and operated in partnership with the National Estuarine Research Reserve and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. To learn more visit our website at: https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/edu/k12/snapshotday/ #NYSDEC #HudsonRiver #HudsonRiverEstuaryProgram #Education