Collaborative Research: 3-D/4-D Seismic Reflection Imaging of the Magmatic-Hydrothermal System at the East Pacific Rise RIDGE 2000 Integrated Study Site at 9 50' N

Lead PI: Dr John Colin Mutter , Dr. Suzanne M. Carbotte

Unit Affiliation: Marine and Polar Geophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

August 2003 - September 2011
Pacific Ocean ; East Pacific Rise, 9°50'N -104°W
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: This project is a 3D multichannel seismic reflection study of the East Pacific Rise RIDGR 2000 Integrated Studies Site. The study will provide geometrically correct images of the magma system using 3D migration processing and will characterize melt distribution at the ridge axis using 3D amplitude variation with offset analysis. The 3D data will be used to derive a detailed map of layer 2A and estimates of the crustal velocity field that can be interpreted in terms of porosity and used to map potential fluid pathways.


National Science Foundation (NSF)




Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)



Marjanovic, M. S.M. Carbotte, H. Carton, J.P. Canales, M. Nedimovic, J.C. Mutter, Characteristics of the crustal magmatic system beneath the East Pacific Rise 8º20’ to 10º10’ N and implications for magmatic segmentation and melt transport, G-Cubed, 19, no. 11 (2018): 4584-4611, 2018.

Aghaei, O. M. Nedimović, P. Canales, S. M. Carbotte and H. Carton, Application of amplitude variation with angle of incidence technique to constrain melt content of two large mid-crustal off-axis melt lenses imaged at the East Pacific Rise from 9º37.5’N to 9º57’N, J. Geophys. Res. 2017.

Marjanovic, M. H.C. Carton, S.M. Carbotte, J.P Canales, M. Nedimovic, Distribution of melt along the East Pacific Rise from 9º30′ to 10ºN from an amplitude variation with angle of incidence (AVA) technique, Geophysical Journal Int. 2015.

Marjanovic, M. S.M. Carbotte, H.C. Carton, J.P Canales, M. Nedimovic, A multi-sill magma plumbing system beneath the East Pacific Rise, Nature Geoscience, 7 (11), 825-829.

Han, S., Carbotte, S.M., H. Carton, M.R. Nedimović, J.C. Mutter, Architecture of Off-Axis Magma Bodies at EPR 9˚N and Its Implication on Oceanic Crustal Accretion, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 390, 31-44.

Xu, M., Canales, J.P., Carbotte, S.M., H. Carton, M.R. Nedimović, J.C. Mutter, Variations in axial magma chamber properties along the East pacific Rise (9°30’-10°00’N) from 3D seismic imaging and 1D waveform inversion, Journal of Geophy. Res. 119 (4), 2721-2744.

Aghaei, O., M R. Nedimović, H. Carton, S.M. Carbotte, J. P. Canales and J. C. Mutter, Crustal thickness and Moho character from poststack-migrated 3D MCS data collected over the fast-spreading East Pacific Rise from 9˚42’N to 9˚57’N, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 15 (3), 634-657, doi:10.1002/2013GC005069.

Carbotte, S.M., M. Marjanovic, H. Carton, J.C. Mutter, Canales, J.P., M.R. Nedimović, S. Han, M. Perfit, Fine-scale segmentation of the crustal magma reservoir beneath the East Pacific Rise, Nature Geoscience. 6 (10), 866-870.

Carbotte, S.M., Canales, J.P., M.R. Nedimović, H. Carton, J.C. Mutter, Recent Seismic Studies at the East Pacific Rise 8°20’–10°10’N and Endeavour Segment Insights into Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal and Magmatic Processes, Oceanography 25(1):100–112,, 2012.

Canales, J.P., H. Carton, S.M. Carbotte, J.C. Mutter, M.R. Nedimović, M. Xu, O.Aghaei, M. Marjanović, K. Newman Off-axis crustal magma plumbing at the East Pacific Rise from three-dimensional seismic reflection images, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/ngeo1377, 2012.

Mutter, J.C., Carbotte, S.M., Nedimovic, M., Canales, J.P., and Carton, H. (2009) - Seismic imaging in three dimensions on the East Pacific Rise, EOS, vol. 90 no. 42, 374-375, 2009.


mid-ocean ridges east pacific rise 3d multi-channel seismic data layer 2a magma chambers undersea volcano


Earth fundamentals