Collaborative Research: Cloud-Capable Tools for MG&G-Related Image Analysis of OOI HD Camera Video

Lead PI: Timothy J Crone

Unit Affiliation: Marine and Polar Geophysics, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)

November 2016 - October 2018
North America ; Juan de Fuca Ridge
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: Since November 2015 the Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI) high-definition camera (CamHD) has been collection video clips of the deep water hydrothermal vent on the Juan de Fuca Ridge located off the coasts of the state of Washington. The CamHD is being used to study the change of the vent over time and flow of fluids. Scientists hope to use the time-series images to study animal behavior and changes in animal and microbial colonization associated with changes in fluid flow, temperature and chemistry in response to seismic and volcanic events. The data is all publicly available but the huge size of the archive and the lack of tools for easy retrieval make it difficult for investigators to take advantage of this unique data set. With this project the PIs hope to demonstrate the scientific value of the OOI CamHD system by providing tools to provide better access to the video data. This project has the potential to enable the scientific investigations in biological, geological, and oceanographic investigations that are yet to be imagined. This project will support two early-career scientists engaging in an interdisciplinary effort to add substantial value to this community resource. At the time of the writing of this proposal some 33 TB data from the OOI seafloor high-definition camera (CamHD) has been collected and archived. The data is all publicly available but the huge size of the archive and the lack of tools for easy retrieval make it difficult for investigators to take advantage of this unique data set. The PIs have requested EAGER funding to demonstrate value of the proposed cloud-capable system for this data.