Collaborative Research: Management and Implementation of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridonal Transect
- Lead PI: Dr. Robert F. Anderson
Unit Affiliation: Geochemistry, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
- August 2017 - July 2020
- Inactive
- Pacific Ocean
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: GEOTRACES is a global effort in the field of Chemical Oceanography in which the United States plays a major role. The goal of the GEOTRACES program is to understand the distributions of many elements and their isotopes in the ocean. Until quite recently, these elements could not be measured at a global scale. Understanding the distributions of these elements and isotopes will increase the understanding of processes that shape their distributions and also the processes that depend on these elements. For example, many "trace elements" (elements that are present in very low amounts) are also important for life, and their presence or absence can play a vital role in the population of marine ecosystems. This project will launch the next major U.S. GEOTRACES expedition in the Pacific Ocean between Alaska and Tahiti. The award made here would support all of the major infrastructure for this expedition, including the research vessel, the sampling equipment, and some of the core oceanographic measurements. This project will also support the personnel needed to lead the expedition and collect the samples.