Columbia University Middle East Research Center (CUMERC); Advisory Support for the National Poverty Reduction Strategy and Executive Education in Sustainable Development
- Lead PI: Glenn L. Denning
Unit Affiliation: The Earth Institute
- January 2011 - April 2014
- Inactive
- Asia ; Middle East ; Jordan
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: The goals of the project were to: (1) rigorously assess and analyze the situation of poverty in Jordan in an effort to provide a targeted, time-bound, actionable, and results-oriented poverty reduction program that builds on the national sustainable development priorities of the country; and (2) to build capacity within the community of development practitioners in the country through a targeted executive education program conducted in partnership with CUMERC.
OUTCOMES: The deliverables of the project include a comprehensive background document assessing the profile of poverty in the country, which provides the rigorous analysis and diagnosis conducted through qualitative and quantitative research, as well as a series of operational policy and program recommendations. The second deliverable of the project is 100 days of executive education courses provided to representatives of Jordanian non-profit organizations, government officials from MOPIC and beyond, and other development practitioners to build domestic capacity in sustainable development approaches.