Conceptualizing Economic Linkages to the Resource Sector

Lead PI:

Unit Affiliation: Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI)

Unknown start date - Ongoing
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: With support from GIZ, CCSI prepared a report titled “Linkages to the Resource Sector: The Role of Companies, Governments, and International Development Cooperation.” It outlines options for how these stakeholders can increase the economic linkages to the extractive industries sector not only in terms of ‘breadth’ (number of linkages) but also in terms of ‘depth’ (local value added). Apart from providing the theoretical framework for linkage creation and an overview of existing literature on this topic, the study highlights successful case study examples. Recommendations are provided for the three types of stakeholders.

On the basis of this study, GIZ has commissioned CCSI to prepare a training course that can be taught in one day or two days. The course material encompasses pre-training exercises, presentations, interactive learning activities, a handbook for trainers and a manual for trainees. The material is prepared with flexible training modules, which allows for the course to be adapted to local demands.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit


mining economy international development agriculture training resource sector education investment


Sustainable living