Crafting education data visualization policy for Ghana
- Lead PI: Radhika Iyengar
Unit Affiliation: Center for Sustainable Development (CSD)
- Unknown start date - Ongoing
- Active
- Africa ; Ghana
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: CSD Education is working with Millennium Promise, a New York-based non-profit, providing technical assistance to frame policy on e-data for education. The work aims to assist education decision makers from national down to school levels in making data-driven decisions. At present, data submitted by schools is often seen as a burden, without a clear understanding of how the data is used to improve the system and support schools more effectively. This program is addressing this systemic challenge by providing guidelines on an indicator framework, frequency of data collection, and use of data at both local and national levels. The team will draft a white paper that will be used as the basis for moving paper-based data collection to visualized, easy-to-interpret digital mapping of schools to track their progress and student performance.