Development of Novel Charge Quantification Method and Charge Density Map in Gas-Solid Fluidized Beds

Lead PI: Ah-Hyung Park

Unit Affiliation: Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy (LCSE)

October 2010 - September 2015
Global ; New York City, NY ; New York
Project Type: Research

DESCRIPTION: The use of low-grade iron ore fines in a steel manufacturing process is expected to improve the overall process economics. Unfortunately, for a newly developed POSCO's fluidized bed reducers for iron ore this can cause significant entrainment issues. Thus, the team is working on measuring interparticle forces (i.e., electrostatic force) to understand particle entrainment behaviors in POSCO's fluidized bed reactors.

OUTCOMES: This project has resulted in patent applications and several conference presentations. A manuscript is currently in development.