EdGCM: A Realistic Global Climate Modeling Experience for Educational Institutions (EdGCM)

Lead PI: Dr. Mark A. Chandler

Unit Affiliation: Center for Climate Systems Research (CCSR)

October 2010 - September 2015
Global ; New York ; Wisconsin
Project Type: Research Outreach

DESCRIPTION: The Educational Global Climate Model was developed with the goal of helping students learn about climate change and climate modeling by giving them the ability to run a genuine NASA Global Climate Model (GCM). This grant provides funds for ongoing support of the EdGCM user community and the development of EdGCM-oriented curricular materials for that community.

OUTCOMES: EdGCM is in use by over 150 institutions, including universities, community colleges, K-12 schools, museums, and science centers annually impacting thousands of students and educators. It is used in both traditional and online courses, workshops, and demonstrations. New developments include the creation of a web-based, simplified version of EdGCM, called EzGCM.


National Aeronautics & Space Administration


National Aeronautics & Space Administration




science education global climate models climate modeling