Enabling Resource Contract Transparency
- Lead PI:
Unit Affiliation: Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI)
- Unknown start date - Ongoing
- Active
- Project Type: Research
DESCRIPTION: Contract transparency in natural resources is an emerging norm that many governments, companies and international institutions have endorsed, particularly within the extractive industries. However, more must be done to make contract transparency a standardized and meaningful norm that leads to better accountability within the extractive industries, as well as around investments in land, agriculture, and forestry.
OUTCOMES: Due to efforts by CCSI and partners Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI), Open Contracting Partnership, Oxfam America, Global Witness, Open Oil and the World Bank, contract transparency featured prominently in the discussions of the EITI Global Conference (23-24 February 2016):
CCSI and partners held both a side event and a panel on the topic; the main conclusions of these events are presented here.
CCSI and partners issued a brief to set the scene and explain the challenges ahead for contract transparency.
A presentation on the What? When? Where? How? of contract transparency was given at the side event, and is available here.
To make contract transparency in the extractive industries meaningful, CCSI is also co-developing ResourceContracts.org.
CCSI has also led efforts around transparency in land-based investment, including creating OpenLandContracts.org, facilitating dialogue, and developing briefing notes.
CCSI has also built the business case for transparency for both extractive companies and institutional investors and is actively contributing to the fiscal model transparency movement.